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Parts and Accesories Catalog February 1961 |

Clutch Transmission 2nd 3rd cmd Connector Coolant by jpasas 1 097 Control parts Windshield wiper 1 l63 3rd 4th speed 4 380 R Connector Crankcozse oil i i 1 745 Control unit Accelerator 3 430 3 870 Clutch assy Differential 5 511 Connector Direction signal Control unit Hand throttle 3 481 Clutch assy Electric seat adj 11 556 lamp 11 8922 2 895 Control unit Headlamp dimmer 2 459 Clutch assy Engine air fan 1 050 Connector Door locking remote 10 500 Control unit Speed and cruise 3 880 Clutch assy Transmission 4 164 Connector Electrical 2 530 Conversion kit Gen comm end 2 297 Clutch unit Differential 15 51 1 Connector Expansion valve equalizer 9 214 Conversion unit Frame 7 003 Clutch unit Transmission 4 163 Connector Folding top elbow 14 473 Conversion unit Low sun gear Cock Shut oft 13 951 1 Connector Freon control valve 9 198 and planet 4 162 Coil Air cond comp clutch actuating 9 166 1 Connector Front seat adj 11 563 Conversion unit Radiator support 1 270 Coil Air cond comp shaft 9 175 Connector Fuel injector 3 330 Conversion unit Speed and Coil Generator field 52 310 Connector Gasoline lil Oll11Z feed pipe cruise control 3 880 Coil Ignition 2 170 hose 3 163 Conversion unit Transmission 4 004 Coil Starting motor field 2 049 Connector Heater control 8 852 Converter assy Transmission torque 4 115 Coil assy Windshield washer Connector Heater thermostat Cooler Transmission oil 4 128 pump 10 153 16 065 by pass 8 866 Coordinator Windshield washer 8 798 Coil assy Windshield Connector Horn button corttacit 2 819 Cord Front seat back robe 11 898 wiper motor 10 150 16 065 Connector Hyd raulic brake 4 686 Core Air conditioning evaporator 9 211 Collar Cowl side 12 804 Connector Lighting 2 530 Core Air suspension leveling valve Collar Front wheel hub 6 308 Connector Manifold wiper and junction 7 482 Collar Generator drive end spacer 2 307 power brake 3 278 Core Compressor oil test 9 177 Collar Starting motor thrust r 2 063 Connector Oil filter fitting 1 855 Core Freon control valve bleed Collar Universal joint ball 5 565 5 572 Connector Radiator body oil cooler 1 229 connector 9 198 Collar Vacuum power brake Connector Radiator outlet 1 173 Core Front seat 11 561 cyl piston 4 924 Connector Rocker arm shaft oil 1 531 COW Healer 8 854 Collector Transmission case chip 4 105 Connector Starting mot or 2 102 Core Radiator 1 219 Compartment Instrument panel 10 260 Connector Transmission oil cooler 4 128 COYG SSY Evapofator and heater 9 210 Compartment assy Front Connector Transmissiorr oil filler 4 133 Cotter pin 8 938 seat separator 11 358 Connector Trarismissiozn oil pan 4 195 Countershaft Transmission 4 428 Compass unit Auto 8 873 i Connector Vacuum power brake r y 1 Coupling Accelerator pedal 3 463 Compensator kit Carburetor idle 3 820 and pipe 4 931 Coupling Air flow duct 9 782 Compressor Air conditioning 9 170 Connector Vacuum shift 5 638 Coupling Distributor vacuum control 2 420 Compressor assy Air suspension 7 455 1 Connector Valve rocker arm sltictftt Coupling Front seat motor to trans 11 561 Concentrate Engine qdditivg 85D gi 53l Coupling Fuel injector distr 3 340 Condenser Distributor 2 393 Connector Windshield Coupling Propeller shaft 5 454 Condenser assy Air conditioning 1 wiper 10 155 10 1613 16 086 Coupling Radiator drain 1 229 refrigerant 9 190 1 Connector assy Hvaporator hose 9 220 Coupling Windshield washer Conditioner unit Air 9 169 1 Connector assy Hydraulic brake 4 686 pump motor 10 153 Conduit Center pillar 10 791 Connector assy V r uurn modulator 4 205 Coupling assy Rear eornpr lid Conduit Front door window 10 778 10 783 Connector assy Valve zrcclcer rc v er vacuum release cyl 12243 Conduit Rear dOO1 WlZ ldOW 117 778 hose 1745 Coupling qgsyu Rgfgiqgyqnt Q l98 Cone Clutch gear synchronizer 4 384 Console assy lnstrument panel 9 743 Coupling GSSYN Steering Shui U jO m 6 525 Cone Drive shaft pinion rear 5 484 Contact Horn button 2 819 j C 1 S h t U t 6525 I oup ing um eerrng s a join Cone Four wheel drive transfer case 4 530 Contact Starting motor switch 2 102 C A I Cone Front wheel inner Contact W S wiper motoir 16 065 Oven CC emtcr pedql 3 451 bearing 6 314 esta Conminer Litter msi C r Air 1 3 10 Cone Front wheel outer bearing 6 315 6 31 9 Container unit Emerigenczy and COVGL Au Conditioning C mP 9 17Z Cone Fuel anieerer air meter soils safety 2 575 1 err Air iiti i q comp switch 9 275 Cone Gem Synchmnizet 3rd speedn rr 3g4 Control Distributor vorcuuln 2 410 i COVBYI Automatic choke th 1 m0St t Cone pinion Shaft from 544 j Control Door insicle lockinqr 10 555 0 l1 0l 3 750 Cone Steminq knuckle king pm 5021 1 Control Door lock remote 10 500 16 341 C0V 1 A 101 ti choke valve lh rm CODE Tmnsmissim imwmd and 1 Control End gatze 17 188 housing 3750 Hamm Clutch rpjrtg Control End gate lock remote 12 242 COVBL Axle housing 5399 Cone Transmission reverse clutch 4 189 CO h Ol H9 d1 mP dimmtil t 1 t 2 459 Cove Bcckup lump 2697 Com assyu Drive pinion mjjer Control Speed rnd cruise 3 883 Cover Battery inspection 16 547 bearing 5 484 Control Windshield wiper 10 163 Cover Body center pillar trim 14 730 Connecting rod 0 603 Control assy Carburetor vzrcuuzm 3 764 Cover Brake adjusting hole 5 117 Connector 13 100 Control assy Direction sig lamp 2 895 Cover Brake and clutch pedal pad 4 630 Connector Air conditioning wire 9 276 Control assy Folding top ciornpt lid 12 242 Cover Brake flange plate adj hole 5 117 Connector Air suspension leveling Control assy Heater cleiitost ancl Cover Brake main cylinder 16 547 valve junction 7 482 temperature 9 787 Covey Brake mum Cylinder Connector Brake cable 4 833 Control assy Heater i1 E Ei2 9 275 inspection 12 541 Connector Carburetor adapter 3 725 Control assy Heater temjt oratu1r e 9 795 Cover Carburetor dust 3 732 Connector Carburetor choke 3 752 Control assy Horn button 2 819 Cover Carburetor idle compensator 3 820 Connector Carburetor fuel inlet 3 740 Control assy Lock remote 17 198 Cover Carburetor thermostat 3 750 Connector Carburetor throttle 3 762 Control assy T1 Gl SIl 1lSSl lIl 4 004 1 Cover Clock hole 9 772 Connector Carburetor vacuum 3 765 Control assy 1 Vindshielcil wiper 16 067 Cover Clutch 0 861 C hirgfflit Motor Division it General Motors Corporation J9