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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |
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![Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952](/getbigpage?pageid=224156)
1950 Wheel Wheel Series base Type of Vehicle Series base Typo of Vehirle HK 2100 115 Passenger DeLuxe U1 4100 137 Utility A 1 Ton Trunzie lgivlolino Mid F19oiii Us 4400 161 Utilitvr l 1 von s i 1 H 1500 115 Passenger Special UL go 1 i 1 Styleline and Fleetline UV 4Y qQ Q lM 1 A HP 3100 116 Commercial Q Ton Truck UV 646 5 lg Tin HR 3600 125 Commercial g Ton Truck UY 65O mg Tm HT 3700 125 Commercial f Ton Truck Dub Duti UX WZO6 if yn On 1 td L Forward Control Delivery Chassis 2 1 iliiY bCb 1 Bus hassis HS 3800 137 COmm ICi 1 1 Ton Truck UP i10 1 1 10 xlirlityw Ton Cah Over lingixie HU 3900 13 COmm rCi 1 1 Ton Truck Dubl Duh UR S400 134 Utxlity 2 Tan Cal Over Engine Ft Jywcud QOHUQ Delivery Chassis US 5700 158 Utility 2 Tori Cal Over Encyine TI 4100 137 Utility 1 Q Ton Truck TK 4400 161 Utility 1 1Q Ton Truck 1952 T1 4500 161 Utility School Bus Chassis KK 2100 1 1Q PQ ssenger Delluxe TV 6100 137 Ut1l1ty 2 Ton Truck Styleline and Fleetlima TW 6400 161 Ut1lity 2 Ton Truck KI 1500 115 Passenger Special TY 6500 179 Utility 2 Ton Truck Stylelihe 4 TX 6700 199 Un111y snnoo1 Bus cnosnn KP 100 116 Commercial g Ton izznok TP 5100 110 umny 2 Tonncon Over Engine Mi 0 12Fg 3 mm i 1n in Ton iruolc TR 5400 194 umny 2 Tnnwcnb Over Engine K1 WOO 125 C 21 n 9i i 3i 1tT i iy i Ebi 1 orwara on ro sive 1 aussi TS 5700 158 Uhhtymlz T C b Over Engine KS 3800 137 Commercial 1 Ton l r1xcl L 1951 KU 3900 137 Commeroiol 1 Ton Truck 1l0bF D 1ti1 Forward Control Delivery Chassis IK 2100 115 Passenger De1 uxe I V1 4100 137 Utility r 1 Q Ton Truck Styleline and Fle llln VK 4400 161 1111l1 1Y 1 I 1 Ton l r1 1 l II 1500 115 Passenger Special V1 4500 161 Utility 11 Ton School 11111 Chassis Stylolino ond Flooilinol VV 6lOO 137 Utility n2 Ton T1 noi IP 3100 116 COmm ICl l TO1 1 TI11Ck VW 6400 161 Utility 2 Ton 111 1 IR 3600 125 Commercia1 M Ton Truck VY 6500 179 Utility 2 Ton Truclr IT 3700 125 Commercial f Ton Truck Dubl Duti VX 5700 199 Utility 2 Ton School 51 C 1a1 g 1 Forward Control Delivery Chassis VZ 6800 212 Utility 2 Ton School us C11l 1S r IS 3800 137 Con1mercial 1 Ton Truck VP 5100 110 Utiliiy M2 Ton Cab Over Engine IU 3900 137 Commercial 1 Ton Truck Dubl Duti VB 5400 13 1 Utility Z 1 on Cali Gver Engine Forward Control Delivery Chassis VS 5700 158 U tility Y2 Ton 31111 T v ij 4 ir1 W NOTE The 235 cu in engine can be distinguished from the 216 NOTE Heavy Duty front axles which are regular gnxacixaciwyii on engine by tho ongino Soriol numbor proiix os follows 2 Ton C O E and School Bus chassis soeciu 90110 1941 AG OY AL ment on series YR YS MR MS OR ifi mart may he 1942 BG OY BL identified by the tront wheel hub cop This cap is mic 01101 1946 BG OT BL First Design to the hub with six ja 20 x 122 hear hifi ieolis ori 5 1946 DDA DDM DEA or DEM Second Design dia bolt CirC 9 I 1947 EDA EDM EEA or EEM 1948 FDA FDM FEA or FEM 1949 GDA GDM GEA or GEM 1950 HDA HDM HEA or HEM NOTE All 2 l on Utility Models with an S ticlded to the Levies 1951 IDA IDM IEA or IEM identification plate are identical with regular 2 Tor lohs 1952 KDA KDM KEA or KEM with the exception oi tires 0