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Master Parts Catalog 30 June 1952 |

N 0 T E Tlus Thumb Index is for your convenience How II IDE Il operates Bend bIoolIr backward to locate black spots appeariing on the fin st pqgg gf each group sectlonn These spots are m the same relative p osIiti on ais this Gkqup NpEx I N D E X Alphabetical Index I I M A T Engine 0 000 I Clutch 0 787 I I I Cooling 1 062 I I O1ling 1 426 I I I I M M I Electrical I I I F 0 R 2 004 2 906 I I Fueg System I 001 I g Carburetor 3 725 I Pump 3 900 I I M 0 D E Transmission I LS 1929 195 2 4 002 4 447 I EHecti e J 1 1 I I I V Une 95 Brakes I I sr es Mrmer mm 1 g enmavs Apru 1 ws ri A o 4 589 5 266 v I I I II i I rARTS t I RS TO BE PI A ED BY CHEVROLET I lEZIALERS WITH I Rear Axle I III G NLJRAL MOTORS PARTS DI VZIZS I DN Priuigilirs gllgft az m mi1 Morons c 0RP0RA 1 101sr WAREHOIUSES CON VENIENTLY LOCATED AT THE FOL I ClWilNGi POINTS Ulgveisag Joint I I I IG E IIIIIIS I I Mg 3I 1 g0 6X s Detr01t Mich Louisville Ky P ort I and Maine 5 548 5 8 9 II zeorgia El Paso Texas Memphrs Temi ortland Oregon I ID 11 0 MJ Fargo II D Mrilwaulee IMS Richmond Virginia I I Biirminglfam Ala I5I Flint Mich Minneap0lis Minn I Louis M r nt I Bloomtield N I Fort Worth Texas New Orleans lI a Iggy Lqkg City Utah Knee Action Boston Mass Great Falls Mont Norwood Ohio Sun Antonio Texas Butlalo N Y Houston Texas OIaklancl Cal qcmuton Pc Charlotte N C Indianapolis nd Olklahoma City Q In W Chi cago Ill Jacksonville Fla Okla 6 us steering Cleveland Ohio Kansas City Mo Omaha Nebr Ih P It LQ 6508 6 886 Denver Colo Long Island City Philadelphia Pa V NUYSI C l1i Des Moines Ia N Y Pittsburgh Pa lWichita Kansas 1 rames Shock I Master Warehouses I Absotbers I Major Supply Depots I Fa t0ry Warehouse I I I II I Springs I CHEVROLET MOTOR DIIVl lIIO N 7 412 7 536 I G R R TION I ENERAL NIOTORS CO PO A Tire c t ler 7 629 I DETROIT 2 NIICHIGAN Bumpers 7 792 I I I I The List Prices shown in this catalog are suggested prices for sales to consumers I The Wholesale Prices shown in this catalog are suggested pricesz for sales to stnndhuzggpurts I garages service stations aud others who purchase for resale These IF ric es are shown I I I in code under the column headed SWP I I Mrscell I 9 008 9 8l0 Prices subjieci to change without iciotiice I II A 4 g g Supplementar m m mm mllml D W yright 1952 P A 30 Revised I evrolet Motor Division Iune 1 1952 PCI eneral Motors Corporation Litho in U S A I I Q I I I