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Master Parts List Six Cylinder Models August 1941 Alphabetical Index ->
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Ave Ave Bore S A E Ship Road gg Model Type of Car Big 10f sgml lgcrssv TITB Snze Vlgheel E ing Wt Less N0 of List price Ul t ry ru e ower ase eight Pass Pass l 192 9 The following data covers Series AC Passenger Cars and Series LQ Trucks for the 1929 Selling Season 1929 International Coach 6 3 x3 26 3 20x4 5 107 2500 2590 5 595 00 1929 International Sedan 6 3 lgx3 26 3 20x4 50 107 2585 2675 5 67 00 1929 International Landau 6 BMAXB 26 3 202 4 50 107 2560 2650 5 72 00 1929 International Coupe G 35 x3 26 3 20x4 50 107 2425 2515 2 595 400 1929 International Cabriolet 6 BMEX3 26 3 2014 50 107 2440 2530 4 695 00 1929 Imernatlcnul Phaeton 6 3 x3 26 3 20x4 50 10T 2240 2330 5 5 25 00 1929 lntcrnatmnal gtgadsiigrl E 3 6x3 26 3 20x4 5l 107 2175 2265 2 525 O0 1929 nternationa Se an e J 3 x3 4 26 3 2 x4 50 107 2490 2580 2 5g5 0 1929 International Sedan Del Chassis 6 3 x3 26 3 20 4 50 107 1790 1880 1929 International llix lat Del 6 3 x3 26 3 20x4 5O 107 1825 1915 4 0 mssls Rear Fenders and are Rim Includ 1929 International Util VQ l Chas 6 ii x3 M 26 3 30x5 00 131 2375 2465 p ed 54500 er1es l Q 4 Fenders and Spare Rim Included 1929 International Utnl l 9 l Chas 6 3 13 26 3 3 x5 00 131 2700 2790 65000 1929 I t I v fr e Vl rQCh 6 35 33 26 3 30 5 00 F t Cab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim Included n erm 10na 1 v2 r us mix A x ron Series LQ 32x6 00 Rear 131 2415 2505 580 Q0 4 Fenders and Spare Rim Included 1029 International Util 1 l Cl1as 6 3 x3 26 3 3 x5 00 Front Series LQ 32xG 00 Rear lgilb 2740 2830 5g5 Ja 4 Fenders and Spare Rim Included 19340 The following data covers all Series AD Passenger Cars and Series LR and LS Trucks for the 1930 Selling Season 1930 Universal Coach 6 3 i6X3 26 3 4 75 19 107 2515 2605 5 565 OO 1930 Universal Sedan 6 3 sx3 4 26 3 4 75 19 107 2615 2705 5 675 00 1930 Universal Club Sedan 6 35 1k x3 26 Il 4 75x19 107 2575 2665 5 625 00 1930 Universal Special Sedan 6 3 x3 26 3 4 75xl9 107 2665 2755 5 685100 1930 Universal Coupe 6 3 x3 if 26 3 4 751119 107 2415 2505 2 565 O0 1930 Universal Sport Coupe 6 3 gx3 M 26 3 4 75xl9 107 2525 2615 4 615 00 1930 Universal Pllaeton G B lgx3 26 3 4 75xl9 107 2265 2355 5 495 00 1930 Universal Roadster 6 3 6x2i M 26 3 4 75xlQ 107 21 95 2285 2 495 O0 1930 Universal Sport Roadster 6 3 6 M 20 3 4 75xl9 107 2250 2340 4 515 00 1930 Universal Road Delivery 6 3 i6x3 26 3 4 751 19 107 2045 2135 2 44 0 Pickup bux nut included 1930 Universal Sed Delivery 6 3E gxii M 26 3 4 75xl9 107 2490 595 1931 Universal Lt Del Ch 6 3 xfl 26 3 4 75 19 107 1835 1925 365 00 1930 Universal Util 1 hi T Ch 6 3 gx3 26 3 30x5 131 2375 2465 520 00 V I S 5I l S LR I 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1930 Lnnversul gtll l RT l1 6 3 x 3 Zb 3 30115 131b 2710 2800 625 00 Series 1 Ca 4 Fenders and S are Rim included 1930 Universal Util 1 T Ch 6 3i gx3 M 26 3 30115 Front 131 2415 2505 D 535 00 Serles LR 32x6 Rear 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1930 Universal Utll l T Ch 6 3 5x3 M 26 3 30115 Front 131 2750 2840 640 00 Series LR 32xii Rear Cab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1930 Universal Util 1 5 T Ch 35 5713 M 26 3 3 x5 Front 131 2535 2625 520 00 4 Snngle VVheel Ser1es LS 32x6 Rear 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1930 Lmversal llul 1 T Ch 5 3 1Q x3 26 3 30 5 Front 131 2830 2920 625 00 Single Wheel 7 Series LS V 32xli Rear Cab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1930 Umversnl Lml 1 l Ch 6 KNGX3 3 26 3 3 x5 131 2740 2830 545 00 Dual Wheel Series LS Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1930 Universal Util l Eg l Ch 6 352 nxli M 26 3 301 5 131 3055 3145 650 00 Dual VVheel rSeries LS Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 193 The following dam covers all Series AE Passenger Cars and Series LT and M Trucks for the l93l Selling Season 1931 Independence Phaeton G Bliqsxii 26 3 4 75x19 109 2370 2460 5 510 OO 1931 Independence Landau Phtn 6 3 xlS M 26 3 4 75xl9 109 2610 2700 5 650 00 H 251 Independence Roadster 6 3 x3 26 3 4 75 19 109 2295 2385 2 475 00 1931 Independence Spt R0z dst er 6 3 jGx3 26 3 4175XlQ 109 2340 2430 4 495 00 1931 Independence Cabriolet li 35 13 7 26 3 4 751419 109 2520 2610 4 615 00 1931 Independence Std Sedan 6 Pliggxii M 26 3 4 751 19 109 2685 2775 5 635 00 ngepengencc gpecgixl Sedan gi ggmixgg 36 2 4 l5x19 39 2725 i 2 l5 5 20 00 I n epen ence Toac 16111 4 6 2 4 51 19 9 2610 00 5 5 5 00 1931 Independence Std Coupe G 3 j x3 7 26 3 4 751 19 109 2490 2580 2 535 00 ngepengence 5 E in gpc 32 26 3 4 751 19 109 2490 258 2 545 00 l Z n epen ence 5 ass oupe 3 ggxl A 26 3 4 75xlD 109 2610 2701 5 595 00 93l lngepengence Epgrgfiuupe 3 gGx3 213 3 4475xl9 ll 9 2565 2655 4 575 00 931 n epen ence Se civery 1i r 6x3 26 3 4 75xl9 109 2585 2675 575 00 1931 Independence C0m l Ch 6 3Q gxI l 26 3 4 75xlQ 109 1880 1970 355 00 4 Fenders and Spare Him included 1931 Independence C0m l Ch 6 3 6x3 26 3 4 75xl9 109 2215 2305 460 00 Closed Cab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1931 Independence C0m l Ch 6 3 1 x3 EQ 26 3 4 75xl9 109 2310 2400 440 00 Open Cab Pickup Box 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1931 Independence SUI l I 1Chg 6 I i5 3 M 26 3 3 x5 I mnt 131 3560 d265 d d 520 00 img e 1ee eries l 32x6 Rear 4 Fen ers an Spare Rim inclu c 1931 Independence Util l VQ T Ch 6 3 x3 26 3 150 45 Front 131 2895 2985 625 00 Snngle Wheel Series L l 32x6 Rem Closed jab 4 Fenders and Spare Rim included 1931 Independence Util 1 EQ I Ch 6 3 6xZS 26 3 3 x5 131 2760 2850 545 00 I 1211 1 1 WYl1 l S fl0S LT Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence bul 192 I Ch li 3 x3 4 26 3 3 x5 131 3095 3185 650 00 Dual Wheel Series LT Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Util l kg T Ch 6 3 gx3 M 2 L3 3Ux5 157 2890 2980 590 00 1931 I d d gil m1e1elF ari s LTJ5 EV M M 1 0HL giZHd0TS Ifd Spare Wheel included bg UU napen ence 1 2 1 igxi 4 I x5 5 I 5 QI 5 Dual Wheel Series LT Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Util 1 9 l lll S 3 g6x2i M 26 3 3 x5 Front 157 2800 2890 590 00 Single Wl1eels Series LT 32x6 Rear Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Util 1 9 T Ch 3 3 Gx3 4 26 3 30145 Front 1 57 3135 3225 695 00 Single Wheelsr Series LT 32x6 Rear Closed Cab 2 Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence lltil 1 T Ch li 3531 3 26 3 3 x5 Front 131 2710 2800 520 00 Single Wl1eel Series l lA 32x6 Rear Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence lTtil l f I Ch ti 3 6x3 26 3 3 x5 Fmm 131 3045 3135 625 00 Single Wheel Series MA 32x6 Rear Closed Cub Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence lfbll 1 yl T C11 as s q x s 26 ux5 131 2830 2930 545 00 1931 I d d lldel llBflS iSBI l S MB is Front l enders54Eng Spare Wheel included 50 00 n epen ence t1 yg 1 I1 U 35 gx 4 2 L3 3 x5 131 3170 5 Dual Nheels Series MB Closed Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Um 1 5 T cm ss s 5x s 26 3 3 x5 Front 157 2910 3000 590 00 Single Wl1eels Series MC 32xfi Rear Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Util 1 12 1 C11 6 35 jBx3 9 21 311 15 ymm 157 3245 1335 4 b95 00 Single Wlleels Series MC 32x6 Rear Closed Cab Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Um 1 14 ii 11 1 61 21113 xox 157 2970 3060 5911 00 Dual Wheels Series XII Front Fenders and Spare Wheel included 1931 Independence Um 1 pg 11 ch es 3q4i x 2 j 3 31 x5 157 300 3390 95 00 Dual Wheels Series MD Closed Cub Front Fenders and Spare Wheel mcluded IV r