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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |

5 803 ONE AND ONE HALF TO 2 TON TRUCKS H D TRUCK 1 1 2 2 Ton i STUD Riveted or We ded construction HOLES specifies method of uttcrching disk to rim Q HAND I l HOLES 6 STUD I0 STUD V DISC WHEEL DISC WHEEL WHEEL RIMS IZIC 1Z ZZL7ZZL 1LI YF T2 ZI Z ZJ f Z lZRZ 7T C I J Z IZ SIM RING Isrnvrcw smunmv RIM WIDTH 5o MM www 5o I RIM WIDTH f I c M Iz L 5 SERV I D gramgv 5 e SIDE RING 5U5 S RVl EII SEPARATELY l ONE PIECE TWO PlE E THREE PIE E 0ne pI e rims 5 2S or larger rirns have IS Twn piece rims Hnve n 5 taper bend sent and are Three piece rims Nave 5 taper bend sent nd are taper head seat and ure used lor tuheless tires used anlv lor tuhe tires Rl 0 wheels nl 6 0 or 6 S used only lar Iuhe tires RPO wheels ul 7 0 nr 7 5 Smaller rims have 5 taper bend sent and are rim widths ure ol 2 pie e design rim widths ure ol 3 piece design used lor bath tuheless and tube tires RIM www RIM NOTE Offset is determined by NOTE Wheel part rrurnlrers do meuwring the distance not inelude dump or WHEH Tram the centerline ul side ring the rirn to the inner Q Ol RIM side of the wheel disc OFFSET 54 55 Utility 1st Ser 54 55 Ser 5 6 56 58 Ser 4 3967727 13 15 20 x 6 0 Note 1 54 55 2 Ton 1st Ser 54 55 Ser 5 6 3705226 48 20 20 x 6 5 Note 1 NOTE 1 Also used on 1956 62 Models equipped with tube tires 56 59 Ser 7 8 9 10 exc SBC TDM 2340334 61 50 22 5 x 7 50 56 58 All exc SBC Ser 7 8 w Air Brake 59 All 4 65 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel exc TDM 66 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel exc Tilt TDM 70 Ser 50 Tilt 2368526 39 50 r NOTE 2 Use with Budd Type stud disc wheels 56 58 Ser 9 10 w H D axle exc TDM SBC 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON P A 318 5 803 5 803 5 soo REV 6 71