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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |
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![Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971](/getbigpage?pageid=222675)
Tr r sr issi Shirt Cerrrrel 4 555 SEEAL Axle vaeuum shatter Selector 5 640 SCREW Propeller Shaft Band Type Brak 6 6 5 SEEAL Axle Vacuum Shift 5 635 SCREW Rreveller 9 3 C C 5 3 e 5 5 0 SEAL Brake and Clutch Pedal 4 626 SCREW Propeller Shaft Internal Cam and SEAL Cereureter Choke 3 752 5 09 B 0k9 5905 SEAL Carburetor Governor 3 870 SCREW 593 Vrew 4 0 5 059 SEAL Clutch and Brake Pedal 0 829 SCREW R 9 Geer 5 533 SEAL Clutch Pedal Intermediate Lever Shaft SCREW Safety Light 9 773 Bell 351 SCREW 93 5 579 sEAL Coolant Pump 1 1 23 SCREW Shifter 4 302 SEAL cowl Ventilator 15125 SCREW S err9 7 3 3 5 33 2 052 SEAL Crankshaft and Rear Bearing Cap oii 0 137 SCREW Starting Motor Center Q 2 082 SIEALI Dilrterentiel Leekine Tandem Axles SCREW Starting Motor Drive w Bushing 2 085 l ereue er pewer Divider 5 51 lA SCREW 45 740 9 540 0 7 2 077 SEAL Distributor Governor 2 365 SCREW S 3 ir 7 3 3 S e 3 2 02 SEAL Distributor Lubricating 2 364 SCREW 3 9 7 3 3 2 03 SEAL Distributor Mounting 2 363 SCREW 39 9 03 3 5 750 SEAL Door ineitie Trim 16 165 SCREW Steering Gear Ball 6 841 SEAL Deer Deenine 15225 SCREW S ee r 9 e 3 33 5 009 SEAL Double neeiuetien Shifter 5 490 SCREW 3 L3 0 2 533 SEALED BEAM rieetiiamp 2 727 SCREW e R 3 5 3 5 234 SEALED BEAM Safety Light 9 773 SCREW Trailer Tractor Break Away 4 878 SEAL Engine 0030 SCREW Transmission Countershaft Gear 4 422 SEAL Engine Fuel er Air lnlet Snutdewn 3 485 SCREW Transmission Gearshift Hand Lever SEALERI Seat l6 7 l4 Housing 4 012 SEAL Q L I Q Q 9 750 SCREW 3 S SS 0 4 95 SEAL Ean and Water Pump 1 062 SCREW Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 906 SEAL leluie ceueline 4 l 18 SCREW Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Relay SEAL Frent Eeneer 8 l54 A 9046 4 940 SEAL Front Spring 7 105 SCREW Veer Fewer Breke Cvlrrreer S EAL Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 3 3 3 4 924 SEAL Fuel Pump 3 904 SCREW V3 3 3 3 533 A 13S 9 0 429 SEAL Fuel Tank Filler Neck 3 008 SCREW VSIYE 0 k9 Arm Cever 0 4 3 SEAL Generator Commutator or Rotor Slip SCREW Venturi Cluster 3 790 ltline Ene Frame 2 298 Wheel CYllI d I BI d I Headlamp Lens i Q I l L I I Q Q Q Q I Q Q Q SCREW Windshield Wiper Motor 16 065 SEALi l leee 6 0l0 SEAL Aeee ere er Eeeel Red Lrrrkeee 3 ASS SEAL Hot Water Heater ene Defroster Motor 6 666 SEAL Air Blower Housing and Rotor 3 388 SEAL Het Weter l leeter 8 854 SEAL A 5 3 3 0 3 53 5 22 SEAL i iet water 6 646 SEAL Air Brake Main or Manual 4 640 SEAL Hydraulic Steering Pump 6 611 SEAL Arr Breke l er Errrereerrev er Eress rre SEAL Hydraulic steering Control Valve 6 662 5 3 33 4 54 sEAL Hydraulic Steering Valve 6 666 SEAL Air Brake Quick and Limiting Release 4 644 SEAL Hydraulic Steering Purne 6 612 SEAL A 5 3 33 5 20 SEAL Hydraulic Steering Cylinder Piston eeti 6 661 SEAL Arr Brake 5 30 SEAL Injector Control Governor 3 510 SEAL Air Cleaner lntake Valve 3 417 SEAL lneeeetien 16 547 SEAL Arr Cerrreresser Sever rer 3 2 SEALZ lnstrument Case Q 9 749 SEAL A 0 3SS 4 353 SEAL i iT Air Conditioning 9 l70 SEAL Ai 0 Fi 3SS 4 350 SEAL i iT Carburetor Dust 3 732 SEAL A 0 0 eSS 5 3 3 3 3 sEAL i iT Hydraulic Steering Pump 6 609 0ieeharge i 9 225 SEAL KIT i iytirauiie Steering 6 507 SEAL A 0 9 A 3 9 203 SEAL i iT Transmission Clutch 4 137 OUTIBY Transmission Z SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Suction SEAL Knuckle Exneneien 6 223 Pipe EAL Nl C l d H I Z I l l I l I SEAL Air cemiitiening Compressor Shaft 9 175 QEALQ ezligegi eign At tQ Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 0558 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 SEAL Manuel Seleeter 4 220 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Core SEAL Meet Jeeket Z Z Z 6 l62 l 0l S 9 9 2 sEALZ oii Filter Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 1844 SEAL Al 0 9 732 SEAL 0ii Level 1 516A SEAL Air Hydraulic Brake 4 882 SEAL Dil pen l 429 SEAL Alf HYd 8UllC Brake 4 888 SEAL Oil SuprelM I l l l l I i I l l l l I 4 203 SEAL A Yd 3 0Y 3 4 390 SEALZ Parking Drake Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z Z 4Zr612 r I I I I I I Q I I I l l L I I l SEAL ASSY Axle Electric Shift Motor 5 655 SEAL Prtnien Shen i 6655 SEAL Brake AUtOm8IlC AdlUSI I SEAL Power Divider Or Auxiliary l rarisQ I Q L 4 515 SEAL ASSY Brake AIJIOITIBTIC Ad US l 5 107 SEAL propeller Shaft Pillow L L Q Q Q L Q Q l I I 5 44O SEAL Door VV l IdOW QIBSS SEAL propeller Shaft Universal Joint SEAL ASSY Double Reduction Shifter 5 490 l runnien 5 560 SEAL ASSY Front Wheel Inner Deering 6 326 SEAL nadiater eere Q Q Q 1270 SEAL ASSY Fuel Ol Lines SEAL Radiator Fart I I Z l I Z Z I I l Q L Z Q 1 277 SEAL ASSY 533 A 3 5 3 533 9 3 5 5 5 322 SEAL Radiator Grille Dattiei Z Z Z Z Z Z 1 274 SEAL ASSY S eeeerrrerer Aeeerer r e 333 SEALZ Radiator emmer Z 1 030 SEAL ASSY T3 0 AX S 73 3 3 3 3 SEAL Range Control Air Cylinder 4 545 Ai w r D Y d r A09 h 09 5 493 SEAL Range Control Air Cleaner 4 552 SE ASSY 3 S S S 4 07 SEAL Rear Axle Shaft Bearing or i lub 5 822 SEAL Axle Electric Shift Motor 5 655 SEAL Retereine Brake centrel 4 262 SEAL AXI V3CUL TI Shlft Check SEAL Retardirig Brake Control L L I I I Q I Q Q 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENEERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31S 175 INDEX