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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |

60 62 Ser 50 60 w 13 15 000 lb axle 63 65 Ser 50 60 3694545A R 20 PIN rear shoe pull back spring 1V4 0 L A 60 61 All w Air Brake 65 Ser 80 4 cyc Diesel w Air Brake 3772275 4 30 PIN rear shoe return Wagner FC 31968 56 Ser 9 10 exc TDM SBC 57 59 Ser 5 6 7 8 9 10 exc TDM SBC Air Brake 60 65 Ser 60 exc SBC 60 64 Ser 70 80 65 Ser 80 4 cyc Diesel 65 Ser 80 exc Diesel 66 70 Ser 60 w 18 500 Ib axle 67 70 Ser 60 TDM w 30 000 Ib axle exc Air Brake 67 Ser 60 SBC exc Air Brake 68 Ser 50 4 cyc Diesel w 17 000 Ib 2 Spd axle 70 Ser 50 60 Conv w 17 000 Ib axle exc Air Brks Dual Brks 70 Ser 50 GO Tilt w 17 000 Ib axle exc Air Brks 2332302A R 13 P lN rear shoe pull back spring Wagner FC 19136 65 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel w Air Equip exc TDM 2401979 2 24 PIlN rear shoe return spring 65 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel w Air Equip exc TDM 2401980 2 16 WASHER rear return spring pin 5 028 SPRING Brake Shoe Lever A 38 50 Utility 46 52 D D front and rear 51 52 Utility 477440A R 10 front z l D x long 5 030 WASHER PIN Brake Shoe Friction Pin 58 59 All 9 000 lb axle w Air Brake disc wheels 60 66 All w Air Brk exc 5 000 lb axle 67 70 Ser 60 Air Brake w 9 000 11 000 axle 1785278 8 10 front lock U shape Wagner FC 4395 38 50 Utility PIN spring front and rear 51 52 Utility 477443A R 15 front x 1 5 034 PIN Brake Shoe Link 38 50 Utility front and rear 51 52 Utility 477444A R 40 front 5 043 UNIT BOLT CLIP LOCK NUT PIN UNlT RETAINER SPRING WASHER Brake Shoe Hold Down 65 Ser 60 80 4 cyc Diesel exc TDM 65 Ser 80 TDM 4 cyc Diesel exc Air Brake 66 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel exc TDM 2404338 1 2 30 front Note 1 NOTE 1 Consists of 4 each Guide lock washers spacing washers and return springs 56 59 Ser 9 10 w 18 000 lb axle exc Air Brake 57 Ser 5 6 7 8 9 10 w 16 000 lb axle exc Air Brake 58 59 Ser 5 6 7 8 10F w 16 000 lb axle exc Air Brake 60 61 Ser 60 70 w 16 000 Ib axle exc Air Brake 60 63 Ser 80 exc Air Brake 62 63 Ser 60 w 17 000 lb axle exc Air Brake Y j 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31S REV 6 71 5 17 5 026 5 043