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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |

4 107 SEAL ASSY SEAL RETAlNER Transmission 60 70 Tilt w Clark 5 Spd 2398409 1 80 remote control selector arm 60 66 Tilt w Clark 5 Spd 65 Ser 80 Tilt 4 cyc Diesel w Clark 5 Spd 70 Ser 50 60 Tilt w Clark 5 Spd 8 cyl 2442946 1 1 20 remote cont shift Chicago Rawhide 8673 60 67 Ser 40 thru 60 Tilt w Muncie 4 Spd exc 2 cyc Diesel 591660 1 10 SEAL shift and selector lever cork 60 67 Ser 40 thru 60 Tilt w Muncie 4 Spd exc 2 cyc Diesel 591099 2 05 RETAINER shaft seal and lever seal 4 109 GASKET T ransmissi0n Cover 55 67 All w Muncie 4 Spd 591451 1 20 lOVisH x V z thk 56 65 All w New Process 5 Spd exc 2 cyc Diesel 64 65 Ser 60 w Emer Air Brake exc Diesel TDM SBC 66 70 All w New Process 5 Spd 2358706 1 40 13V2 long NP 92794 56 62 All w Spicer 5 Spd exc Diesel 62 66 Ser 60 w Spicer 5 Spd exc Tilt TDM 63 66 Ser 80 w Spicer 5 Spd exc 409 67 70 All w Spicer 5 Spd exc 427 70 Ser 60 TDM w aux 4 Spd exc 427 3726684 1 1 40 14 z x 8 x Vis thk Spicer 30 155 13 56 66 All w Spicer 5 Spd exc Diesel 62 66 Ser 60 2 cyc Diesel w Spicer 5 Spd exc A Emerg Air Brake Tilt TDM 67 70 All w Spicer 5 Spd exc 427 70 Ser 60 TDM w aux 4 Spd exc 427 3726685 1 15 control lever hsg GV4 x 4V4 x Vu Spicer 30 155 15 59 66 All w Clark 5 Spd 2280084 1 25 SVB x 14 z 60 69 Ser 50 60 Tilt w New Process 5 Spd exc 2 cyc Diesel 64 65 Ser 60 Tilt w New Process 4 Spd Emerg Air Brake exc Diesel 65 Ser 60 Tilt 4 cyc Diesel w New Process 4 Spd 65 Ser 50 4 cyc Diesel w New Process 4 Spd 65 Ser 80 LCF Tilt 4 cyc Diesel w Emerg Air Brake 65 66 Ser 60 4 cyc Diesel w New Process 4 Spd exc TDM LCF 67 Ser 50 60 w New Process 4 Spd exc 6 cyl 67 69 Ser 50 60 Tilt w New Process 4 Spd 6 cyl 68 70 Ser 50 60 Tilt w New Process 4 Spd 8 cyl 68 69 All w Clark Spicer 5 Spd 427 exc Tilt 2040544 1 10 control lever hsg control lower to trans 4 x 6 VHS 60 63 TDM w 3 Spd Aux Trans 2325653 1 20 Spicer 55 155 14 4 5l5 60 66 Ser 80 Tilt w Spicer 5 Spd exc 4 cyc 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31S REV 6 71 4 zs 4 107 4 109