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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |

ILLUSTRATION INDEX ENGINE CLUTCH 1962 69 Tilt Clutch Linkage 0 12P 1967 71 Series 50 60 Clutch Linkage 195362 Six Cylinder Engine Head and 8 CV Gas 0 44P Manifold 0 11 967 09 Series 50 60 Gluten l inl ese 195352 six Cylinder Engine Brook 0 21 V 6 DieSe 0 45 1953 62 Six Cylinder Engine Camshaft 1968 71 Truck Clutch Pedal ASSY 0 461 Crankshaft and Oil Pan 0 3P 1953 62 Six Cylinder Engine Rocker Arm and COOLANT GRILLE OIL SYSTEMS Parts OAP Six CYl1l d I Engine BIOCK 0 5P pump Gas Engine I I I I I I l I l I 953 7 Six CV l000 509 0 lieeel and Oil Pump v 0 478 Diesel Engano 1 2P M3HIfOIdS 0 6P Engine CO01 l FiitEr V 6 478 4 478 V6 Gas 0vl n et B k 9 7 Diesel 1 3P 956 49 1 78 V5 Gas CV d 00 end Oil 1 11to1 v6 oas 401 479 E11g111o 1 4P N 8nIfO1d Tilt Radiator Surge Tank and 40 1 478 V 6 Gee 0entSl e t Ctenkeliett cool 1 1 111 1 s1 Bfld OII PSI I Cab Radiator Support Mounting I I I I I I 1 6P 1956 59 322 Cu ln Engine Block Orl Filter 1960156 l lll Radiator and Surge l ank end 0 Pen 0 0 Hoses 1 71 95659 322 Cu lll E 9l 0 Cl0 h0 Camshalt 1957 som S 9000 Truck Gl lll EXplOd d 1 se and 5 l 9 1958 59 Series 10000 Truck Grille Exploded 1 9P 195559 322 Cu 5 l CV d 05 1 a 1958 59 1 o1111 coo 1 o11111oro 0111111 Exploded 1 10P Pump and Fuel Pump 0 12P 196061 1 2 1 1 2 l On l luck Gl lll V9 E 9 0 0 322 H i d a Exploded 1 11P M f d O 13P 1960 61 2 and 2 1 2 Ton GriIle Exploded 1 12P V 8 Engine exc 322 Block 0 14P 1962 1 2 1 l 2 l on Truck Gl llle V 8 Eneme lexe 322 0i nl el Exploded 1 131 Camshaft and Oil Pan 0 15P 1962 2 and 2 1 2 l on Truck Gl llle 1969 71 V 8 Engine Crankshaft Camshaft and P Exploded H l l I I I l I l l I I l l l I H l l4P Oil Pan 0 16 1969 71 V 8 Engine Head and Manifold 0 17P 964 99 ipl lT rT grill I l I I U I l I l l I l 15l 1969 71 V 8 Engine Block O 18P 196170 Serles 40 50 60 Grllle and Bump r 959 7 V 8 En ne 0 n Sl t1Cemelieit end Exploded 1 161 196971 0 19P 6 Cyl Close Positive Ventilation 1 17P 396 400 427 454l l l l l I I I l l I I I I I l I 0 2OP 283 237 Closed Positive Ventilation 1 17P 1969 71 V 8 Engine Block 396 400 427 454 0 21P 2 Cycle Diesel Crankshaft Details 0 22P CHASSIS ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS 2 Cycle Diesel Valve Mechanism 0 23P 2 Cycle Diesel Engine Front Cover and Starting Motor Solenoid Switch 2 1P Oil Pump 0 24P 1966 70 Ser 70 80 Starting Motor 2 2P 2 Cycle Diesel Camshaft Details O 25P 2 Cycle Diesel Starting Motor 351 478 V8 Diesel 4 Cycle Crankshaft Exploded 2 3P Camshaft and Bearings O 26P Generator 12 Volt 2 3P 351 478 V6 Diesel 4 Cycle Crankshaft 1962 69 42 AMP A C Generator Exploded 2 4P Camshaft and Bearings 0 27P 1962 69 A C Generator Exploded 2 5P 351 478 V6 Diesel 4 Cycle Engine Head 1969 71 37 42 63 AMP Delcotron 2 6P and Manifold 0 28P 1958 59 2 1 2 Ton LCF Fan Blade Pulley Crankshaft 351 478 V 6 Diesel 4 Cycle Engine Head Pulley and Generator Mounting 2 7P and Manifold 0 29P Truck AC Generator Mounting Details 2 SP 351 478 V6 Diesel 4 Cycle Engine Generator Mounting Ser 60 Tilt 4 Cyl Block Exploded 0 30P Diesel 2 9P V 8 Diesel 4 Cycle Engine Block Generator Mounting 2 Cycle Diesel 2 9P Exploded 0 31 P Generator Mounting Ser 50 Tilt 4 Cycle V 8 Diesel 4 Cycle Crankshaft Diesel 2 1OP Camshaft and Bearings O 32P Generator Mounting Ser 60 TDM 4 Cycle V 8 Diesel 4 Cycle Engine Head and Diesel 2 10P Manifold 0 33P 1955 62 Six Cylinder Ignition Distributor 2 11P 1956 59 Series 9 10000 Engine Rear Mounting 0 34P 1962 69 Ignition Distributor 6 Cyl 2 12P 1962 66 Series 60 2 Cycle Diesel Engine Mounting 1955 56 Eight Cylinder Ignition Distributor 2 13P Details 0 35P 1957 69 Eight Cylinder Ignition Distributor 2 14P 1962 66 Series 80 2 Cvcle Front Engine Mount 1962 71 Ignition Distributor le Cyl 2 15P Details 0 36P 1957 71 eight cy1111oo1 1g111t1o11 o1s111b11ro1 2 1eP 1967 71 Ser 40 50 60 8 Cylinder Front Engine 1956 66 Truck Spinner Type Distributor 2 17P Mounting 0 37P 1965 66 Ser 80 LCF Diesel Headlamp and Diaphragm Spring Type Clutch Parts 0 38P Parking Lamp 2 18P A Coil Spring Clutch Parts 0 38P 1967 69 Headlight and Parking Lamp Assy 2 19P Coil Spring Type Clutch 351 Engine 0 39P 1967 68 Truck Direction Signal and Traffic Coil Spring Type Clutch V6 Engine 0 40P Hazard Control Exc G10 2 20P 6V 53 Flywheel Housing O 40P 1969 71 Truck Directional Signal 2 21P 1960 66 Truck Clutch Slave Cylinder 0 41 P 1969 71 Truck Horn Button 2 22P Tilt Clutch Master Cylinder and 1969 71 Truck Trailer Jumper Cable Pedal 0 42P Equipment 2 23P Y 1971 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31S i REV 5 71 187