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Truck Parts Catalog 31S June 1971 |

ENGINE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS c PART NO 3930950 Cont 1963 MODELS Cont SERIES P10 Item Qty Part No Description Remarks Require Items C E W AA AC AD AE AG AN AO AP AY BA BB BH BX CI CJ rchase new or transfer from replaced engine SERIES CK10 20 Require Items C E W AE AG AM AP AX BH BP BQ BR BS BU CI CJ CW rchase new or transfer from replaced engine SERIES C30 Require Items E W AA AC AD AE AG AM AP AX BH CI CJ rchase new or transfer from replaced engine SERIES 50 A Require Items E W AA AC AD AE AG AP AX BA BH CI CJ plus the following DD 1 3832808 Clutch Housing Assy C S Models Purchas new Or transfer from r Only placed engine See General Infor DE 1 3787522 Clutch Housing Assy L Models matio Note No 1 Only SERIES P20 30 Require Items E W AA AC AD AE AG AM AO AP BA BB BH BX CE CI CJ I rchase new or transfer from replaced engine GENERAL INFORMATION 1 When installing clutch housing transmission pilot bore alignment and fa e runout should be checked as specified in the Chevrolet Shop Manual Also transfer inspection cove housing underpan underpan extension clutch fork boot and attaching parts from replaced engine 2 Models with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of engine parts special to such options 3 If any part number listed above is not shown in the master parts catalog check history section for re placing part number 4 The intake manifold of this engine is equipped with an additional vacuum tting for the crankcase venti lation system If desired this vacuum can be used on past models by removing the dust seal and installing connector Part No 3859374 transferring the hose and cla l p from the outboard fitting to the connector IMPORTANT If the above source of vacuum is not used plug the o ening with 3 8 cup plug Part No 838323 If converting to use the added source of vacuum plug pr viously used opening with pipe plug Part No 9420756 If above is used on vehicles equipped with vacuum powe brakes seal previously used source of ventilator vacuum by pinching and soldering tu e to prevent leakage t 197O CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORP RATION P A 31S 69