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Truck Parts Catalog June 1971 |

CARRIER ASSY Wheel and Tire CLAMP Parking Brake Cable 4 790 Compartment 7 629 CLAMP Rear Spring U Bolt See group CARRIER Injector Control Governor Speed 5 403 7 518 Adjusting 3 520 CLAMP Seat Bottom 16 715 CARRIER UNIT Luggage 17 070 CLAMP Steering Column I 6 760 CASE Air Conditioning Evaporator Core CLAMP Steering Gear Ball Return Guide 6 843 Housing 9 211 CLAMP Tie Rod End 6 234 CASE Air Flow 9 786 CLAMP Transmission Gearshift Shaft or Tube CASE ASSY Back Door 16 330A Lower 4 030 CASE ASSY Four Wheel Drive Transfer 4 505 CLAMP Transmission Oil 4 128 CASE ASSY Heater 8 857 CLAMP Transmission Oil Filler 4 133 CASE ASSY Instrument Panel Compartment CLAMP Transmission Throttle Valve Control 4 052 Door 16 11OA CLAMP UNIT and PARTS Steering Column 6 760 CASE ASSY Instrument 9 743 CLAMP UNIT Distributor Housing 2 363 CASE Differential and Planet 5 510 CLAMP UNIT Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail CASE Door Safety Lock 16 328 Pipe 3 708 CASE Four Wheel Drive Transfer 4 510 CLAMP Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 930 CASE Heater 8 854 CLEANER and PARTS Vacuum Power Brake CASE Transmission 4 103 Cylinder Air 4 913 CASE Transmission Overdrive 4 455 CLEANER Carburetor Air 3 402 CASE Wheel Carrier Lock 7 679 CLEANER Engine Concentrate 1 850 CASTING Door 16 400 CLEVIS Clutch Pedal 0 854 CATCH ASSEMBLY Hood 8 028 CLEVIS Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift CATCH ASSY Engine 17 800 Conitrol 4 560 CATCH ASSY Instrument Panel CLEVIS Parking Brake 4 765 Compartment Door 16 110A CLEVIS Valve Rocker Arm 0 334 CATCH Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 CLIP Accelerator Pull Back 3 459 CATCH Door Window 16 260 CLIP A C Temperature andBlower Motor CATCH Engine 17 800 Control 9 275 CHAIN ASSY End Gate 17 635 CLIP Air Conditioning Control 9 278 CHAIN Camshaft Timing 0 724 CLIP Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 CHANNEL and Parts Air Conditioning CLIP Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 Evaporator Air Distributor and Astro CLIP Air Injection Reactor 3 680 Ventilation 9 262 CLIP and Parts Air Conditioning Evaporator CHANNEL Door Glass Sash 16 190 Air Distributor and Astro Ventilation 9 262 CHANNEL Door Window Glass 16 200 CLIP ASSY Electrical 2 530 CHANNEL Side Window 17 136 CLIP ASSY Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 930 CHECK Hood Panel 8 015 CLIP ASSY Wheel Hub Cap Lock 5 864 CHECK Rear Door 16 430 CLIP Black Door Vertical Lock 16 332 CIRCUIT Chassis Wiring segmented 2 480 CLIP Elack Window Glass 16 475 CLAMP Air Cleaner 3 405 CLIP Elattery Cable 2 343 CLAMP Air Cleaner Intake Valve 3 417 CLIP Elody Side and Rear 16 157 CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator CLIP Elody Side Outer Panel 17 507 Expansion Valve 9 214 CLIP Elumper Sheet Metal 7 833 CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 220 CLIP Carburetor Choke 3 752 CLAMP Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 CLIP Carburetor Intake with Seat and CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 210 Gasket 3 814 CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator Core CLIP Carburetor Pump Connector 3 843 Housing 9 211 CLIP Carburetor Pump 3 842 CLAMP Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 CLIP Carburetor Throttle 3 762 CLAMP Air Flow 9 786 CLIP Chassis Wiring Harness 2 559 CLAMP ASSY Vacuum Power Brake 4 906 CLIP Clutch Fork Release 0 787 CLAMP Battery Top 2 335 CLIP Clutch Fork 0 797 CLAMP Bumper Guard Mounting 7 829 CLIP Clutch Pedal 0 854 CLAMP C A C Solenoid High Gas By Pass 9 199 CLIP COVER Instrument Panel 16 081 CLAMP Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 CLIP Cowl Side 16 551 CLAMP Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 444 CLIP Cylinder Block Also see 8 970 0 034 CLAMP Crankcase Ventilator Tube 1 750 CLIP IDefroster 9 779 CLAMP Crankcase Ventilator Outer 1 762 CLIP Direction Signal Lamp 2 892 CLAMP Distributor Housing 2 363 CLIP lDistributor Contact Point Support CLAMP Distributor Spark Advance Trans Clamp 2 387 Electric Control Also see group 4 075 2 408 CLIP Door Edge 16 445 CLAMP Drivers Seat 16 682 CLIP Door Lock Remote 16 341 CLAMP Engine 17 800 CLIP Door Window Garnish Moulding 16 310 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe 3 616 CL IP Electrical 2 530 CLAMP Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 CLIP Emergency and Safety Equipment 2 575 CLAMP Fuel Injector 3 302 CL IP End Gate 17 198 CLAMP Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 CL IP Engine Intake 3 265 CLAMP Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 120 CL IP Front and Side in Prime less trim and CLAMP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 hardware unless listed 16 150 CLAMP Generator Commutator or Rotor Slip CL IP Front Fender Also see Group 17 507 8 147 Ring End Frame 2 298 Cl lP Front Fender and Skirt 8 154 CLAMP Heater 8 854 CLIP Front Fender Moulding 8 133 CLAMP Hose with Nut and Bolt 1 166 Cl IP Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 I CLAMP Hydraulic Steering Pump Hose 6 672 Cl IP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 CLAMP Manifold 3 273 CLIP 16 070 CLAMP Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail Pipe 3 708 CLIP Hand Control Rod Attaching and CLAMP Parking Brake Cable 4 785 Nlounting 3 483 1970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 31 137 INDEX