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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |
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![Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968](/getbigpage?pageid=219579)
66 Caprice Set Cnel w vinyl ter EISSIOBOB 8 65 NIC ULIQ IN1E1 UNIT rr quarter belt reveal 12 116 N0te 1 v L H NOTE 1 This unit censists ef 1 moulding 4 nuts 7 clips 66 Conv 3896510 21 55 NICIULDING UNIT quarter pinchweld finish at belt 12 116 Note 2 RH 66 Cenv 3896509 21 55 IVIOUL IN1G UNIT quarter ninchweld finish at belt 12 116 1l lete 2 LH Nete 2 This unit tzensists ef 1 moulding 8 clips 2 fasteners 66 lirnala Sint Cpe 38916537 8 85 I I1C ULI N 3i UNIT rr quarter belt reveal 112 1 16 l l0t 3 L H 66 line lla Snt Cne 38916538 8 85 M ULlI IN i UNIT rr quarter belt reveal 12 116 l let1 3 RH I lete 3 This unit consists ef inrziulrzling 5 clips 2 retainers 4 1 revvs 4 nuts 66 linnala Spt Sed w vinyl tex twe tene paint 66 jiwiniwe Sint Sed w vinyl O1 38 96535 6 25 IV ULl 1IN Ei UNIT rr quarter belt reveal rear 12 116 1 lc 1e 4 LH 66 lnnala Spr Sed l w vinyl ter twe tene paint 66 Zanriee Set Sed w vinyl ter 3896536 6 25 lVI ULlI IN 3 UNIT rr quarter belt reveal rear 12 116 l lete 4 Ft I l Nete 4 This unit eensists el l meulding 1 clip 66 lrnpa 2 1 Sel Sl lll w vinyl ten twe tene paint 66 Caprirge Set Sed w vinyl ten 38961511 4 35 I IIOULDINll5 UNIT rr quarterbelt reveal front 12 16 l0te 5 LH 66 lnipala Spr Sedl w v nyl tep twe tene paint 66 jaaprice Sr 1 Sed w vinyl tee 3896512 4 35 I IOULDl llZ3 Ul IIT rr quarter belt reveal fr0nt 12 1161 1 lr 1 e 5 R H Nete 5 This unit consists 0 1 rrieulding 1 retainer 2 screws 1 0111 67 6151 Sta Wag w twe tene earnt 3914082 8 30 lVIOULD I ll1l3 UNIT right body pillar belt reveal 12 1801 1 67 6151 Sta 1 ag vv twe tene paint 3914081 8 30 lVl OUL II l1l3 UNIT left body pillar belt reveal 12 180 1 67 6151 Sed exc Spd Sed w twc tene paini 39114080 7 60 N DUL I 1l3 UNIT right rear quarter belt reveal 12 1161 1 67 6151 Sed ext Spf Sed vv twe 1 l1 paint 39114079 7 60 l1OUL lI 1l3 UNIT left rear quarter belt reveal 12 1161 1 67 68 Srit Sed vv vinyl tee twe terie paint 39l1 l 84 7 95 I llOUL I1 Il3 UNIT right rear quarter belt reveal 12 116 1 67 6 EEl Spit Sed vvivinvl tep twe tcine paint 3914083 7 60 IVIOULDING UNIT left rear quarter belt reveal 12 116 1 67 linprilri Set Cpel w vinyl ten tvve lene paint 68 inipwlri Set Cpe w twe tczinu paint ext Custern 3 l1 I 9O 7 60 IVIOULDING1 IJNIT right rear quarter belt reveal 12 116 1 67 urin ala Set Cine w vinyl tmp iwaiscme paint 68 lnipaln Spf Cpel w tw0 T j 11 pmrit exc Custerril 39 l4089 7 60 IVIOUI 1DIl I Gl IJNIT left rear quarter belt reveal 12 116 1 67 Caprice Spf Cine w vinyl tee 391 4094 8 10 NIOUl DII 1I Gi IJNIT right rear quarter lielt reveal 12 116 1 67 Cziprirxs Spf Cpri w vinyl trip 391 4093 7 75 I IOUI Dl 1l Ei UNIT left rear quarter belt reveal 12 1161 1 65 66 Sta v aQ exe Impala 448 I 463 1 65 ESCUTCI IlFOI I reveal midi rear 2 65 66 llT1 Il21 Sta agi 446131592 1 80 ESCUTCHIEON reveal mldg rear 2 65 liiripala Sr 1 Cpe 4141 87916 2 35 ESCU TCI IlEOI I right lewer rr reveal rnldg 1 65 lnipalzi Snt Cpe 4l I8 7917 2 35 lESCU TCHlEOl I left lewer rr reveal mldg 1 67 651 Bistiayrie Bel Air Sta at ext deer and winrlew nieuldingi 8717536 2 25 ESCUI CH EEOl I rear rnldgh rear 2 67 68 Iinpalxi Cniiriee Sta 1 ag 1969 CHlE ROLET l IOTOR D VlSlON GENIERM ll IOTORS COlRP0FlATI0N T RlE 7 1 59 P 11l 9 11 031 11 031