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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

58 Vert w ztlurn Jody 125 VV B 39 50053 162 40 PANEL Jett outer side lower duel wheel w 10 ft G rn Jody J l 68 li tin w saturn Jody 125 y B 3960054 164 35 PANEL right outer side lower duel wheel w 10 ft 6 tn body 1 68759 un wrzilunt Jody 125 W B 39l 50 l Ei5 191 20 PANEL outer Jody side upper yy 10 ft 6 in Jody 2 58 cur wfliiitirri Jody 133 W Bi 3El600 1l5 188 15 PANEL left outer side lower single wheel w 12 ft 5 l l l Jody 1 8 Van wrzalurn Jody 133 i B 39600 1l6 190 05 PANEL right outer side lower single wheel w 12 ft 5 in Jody 58 69 Van Vwlltltlllt Jolly 133 B 3960067 224 70 PANEL outer Jody strle upper w 12 ft 5 ih Jody 2 38 an yy ztlurn Jody 157 B 39EiO 49 213 85 PANEL left outer side lower single wheel w 14 ft G in Jody 1 B8 Jn V trillllll Jody 57 B 39EiO 50 215 85 PANEL right outer side lower single wheel w 14 ft 5 in Jody 1 58 1l1 1l l t1 Jody 157 W B 39Ei0 61 215 20 PANEL left outer side lower duel wheel w 14 ft 5 in Jody 1 58 Vttn yynirlutri Jody 157 W 8 3 3 i00 52 217 15 P A lEl right outer side lower duel wheel yy 14 lt G in liooy 1 58 69 ykan 1 lll l 11 Jody 157 V B EGEBJGOOGS 258 10 F A lEL outizr Jody side upper yy 14 ft 5 in Jody 2 58459 Ven wr ttlurn Jody 125 B 3 B 600 7O 196 50 PANEL otiter hody side upper w 5 inside height 2 68 59 Van w nlm Jody 13 3 WB J 3 3 3 0 72 232 70 PANEL outer Jody side upper w 76 uJside height 2 68459 yztii V1 wfllllllt Jody 157 VV B E 2l600 74 268 85 F A lEL outer Jody side upper w 75 inside height 2 68459 on yyruluns Jolly 3 E 6 3 35 15 45 PANEL SO rear end frller w 75 inside height 2 58459 y Jn w ulurr Jotty 3 6 I E3 7 39 55 PANEL 38 reer end filler w 76 inside height 2 68459 y 2JrJ wreilnrn hotly 25 W B 3fEl 30 I 1 205 50 PANEL outer Jody side upper w 10 ft Gin Jody and 75 JJ inzside height 2 68 69 Ven yy stltun Jody 133 V B J 3 EI i0 73 241 75 PANEL outer Jody side upper w 12 ft 5 iiJ Jody and 76 in inside height 2 68 B9 i enJ wr Jlurn Jody 157 NB 3950 075 2 7 85 PANEL outteei Jody side tJ Jp r w 14 ft 6 in Jody and 75 in inside height 2 58 JaJn wiztlurrt Jody 133 B 3960057 189 40 PANEL left outer Jody side lower w 12 ft 6 in Jody 1 58 urn yy zt t nJ Jody Q 33 BT 35 l50058 191 4 0 PANEil riglwt outer Jody side lower w 12 ft 5 in Jody 1 58 zJr yy iiutn Jody 1 57 yl H 39 50059 209 80 PANEL left outer Jody s aide lower yy duel wheel S8 JJ or wwtluni Jody 1 57 V 3 39150060 211 75 PANEL riglrt outer Jody side lower w dual wheel l 8 6i 4 J in Jdl 1l1 1 Jody 3960087 13 35 PANEL left rear end outer loyyer 1 68 69 J trJ w alum Jody 3960088 13 35 PANEL right rear end outer lower 1 68 69 ztrr yy elurn Jod 3950096 37 90 PANEL 35 rear end filler 2 69 Vern yyi elurn Jody ll 25 W B 23951439 155 55 P ANEL outer Jody side lower sirJg e wheel L l E39 ui yy tt unJ Jody 25 W13 3961440 167 15 PANEL outer Jody side lower single wheel RH 69 Yztn yy Jlttin Jody 125 Wl 3 3951441 72 50 PANEL outer Jody stde lower single wheel w 10 ft B l l l l l L H SEI J J J yy alt xn Jody 5 i J 13961442 174 40 PANEL outer Jody side lower single wheel tw 10 ft S Jody R H Ji i znJ yy JItiiJJ Jody 133 i 5 35361443 193 40 1 ANEL ot tet Jody side lower single wheel L H 69 Vest yy J rit Eiodw 1 32 y 3 3961444 195 30 F A l lEL outer Jody side lower single wheel RH 59 JJ J w talttin Jody 1 JK ft E 3961447 221 45 F A NlEL outer Jody side owe r single wheel L l l S9 Ven yy zrlurw J J t 157 V 3 315951448 223 O PANEL outer J Jdy stde lower single wheel R H Q 19 5 3 Cl El J LlET l IOTOR D f5 ON 3EN E lA MOTORS CORPORATlON REV 71 69 i 17 5 17 110