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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968
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66 Pass vv l luncie 4 Spd 283 327 lst design 3831741 15 RING 3rd and 4th clutch huh retaining 1 66 68 Ser 10 vv O D 66 69 Pass cprvette G 10 20 vv 3 Spd exc l l D 66 69 Pass vv Saginaw 4 Spd 283307 327 2nd design 67 69 Ser 10 20 Blazer vv Saginavv 3 Spd 3859025 10 RING all clutch huh retaining 2 68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv lVluncie 4 Spd 3901166 10 RING 3rd and 4th speed clutch huh retainer 1 69 Pass Ser 10 20 vv lVluncie HD 3 Spd 391 l973 25 RING synchironizer retainer 2 54 55 Comm vv H D 3 Spd i 56 60 Ser 3 vv HD 3 Spd 57 63 Pass Corvette vv V arner 4 Spd 61 66 Ser 10 thm 30 vv H D 3 Spd 65 68 Pass vv 3 Spd H D 68 Sor 10 20 vv HD 3Spd 68 69 G 10 20 vv arner 4 Spd 3870793 35 PL iTlE shiftirg Varner T1 6 13 3 63 66 Pass Corvette vv l luncie 4 Spd 67 69 Corvette vv lV tincie 4 Spd 67 69 Pass vv l luncie 4 Spd 350396 427 69 Police Sta Veal vv l ltincie 4 Spd 427 3915050 35 PL li l lE shifter 6 65 68 Pass vv 3 Spd l l D 68 Ser 10 20 vv H D 3 Spd 3870804 45 lPL Ii l lE lst and reverse shifting Warner Tl6 82 3 48 55 Comin Util vv 4 Spd lst Ser 55 59 Ser 3 vv 4 Spd 2nd Sei 60 61 Ser 10 thru 30 vv 4 Spd 59 I913 40 KEY 3rd and 4th speed clutch 3 62 67 Ser 10 tnrti 30 vv lVlunt ie 4 Spd 3740377 40 KEY 13rd and 4th speed clutch 3 66 67 Ser 10 vv O D 66 69 Pass Corvette G l0 20 vv 3 pd exc HD 66 69 Pass vv Saginaw 4 Spd 283307 327 67 69 Ser 10 20 Blazer vv Saginaw 3 Spd 387 I250 35 KEY all clutcli 6 68 69 Ser 10 thru 30 vv luncie 4 Spd 3866358 40 KEY lst 2nd 3rd and 4th speedclutch 1 69 Pass Ser 10 20 vv I luncie H D 3 Spd 391 I972 35 KEY synchronizer 6 4 395 GEAR RETAll lER Transmission 2nd 5ipe ed 40 53 Pass Comm vv 3 Spd lst design 59 l110 14 30 vv energiizxing spring 2 s 0ts 26 helical teeth 1 48 55 Comm Util vv 4 Spd lst Ser 55 59 Ser 3 vv 4 Spd 2nd Ser 60 67 Ser 10 tnrtl 30 vv lVIuncie 4 Spd 3841523 20 90 vv ene rg iziing spring 1 53 Pass Comm vv 3 Spd 2nd design 54 Pass vv 3 Spd exc HD 54 Comm vv 3 Spd lst design exc H D 591889 14 40 w energizing spring 4 slots 26 helical teeth 1 54 60 All vv 3 Spd H D 3709342 24 60 vv bushing 2 54 Comm w 3 Spd 2nd de iqn exc H D 55 Cornrn vv 3 Spd exc H D ls ii 55 59 Ser 3 vv 3 Spd exc H D 2nd Ser 55 57 Pass vv 3 Spd exc H D 58 62 Pass vvr 3 Spd 6 cyl 58 60 Pass vv O D 60 62 Ser 10 20 vv 3 Spd exc HD 61 62 Pass vv 3 Spd 283 2nd design l969 CHEVROLET l IOTOR DIVISION GiEl lEFlAl MOTORS CORPOFlATlON REV 7 1 69 P 4 1 l 7 4 384 4 395 I