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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |

PANEL cewi trim V A A 14 630 PANEL ASSY PLLl0 Front Bodv Ringo V A 4 12 840 PANEL COW1 1 0 111010 vv4 v 12 800 PANEL ASSY Radiator and Grille Filler 1 287 PANEL Dash 0 0 TOO 4 r v 15 550 PANEL ASSY Rear Deck Front and Rear Seat 12 971 PANEL 066r rneiee Trim 16 165 PANEL ASSY Roar Door 0utor L 12 913 PANEL DOO 01110 Side 4v 15 152 PANEL ASSY Rear Quarter Side Inner 12 941 PANEL 0661 Rocker 12 934 PANEL ASSY Sparc Tirc Covcr o 12 579 PANEL Engjng v v v 17 800 PANEL CONVERSION UNIT Hood Top 8 000 PANEL 1 100 15 545 PAN UNIT 0il 1 426 PANEL 1 O1O1 O TOO C0 OO 1 0 1 12 170 PARTS Air Conditioning Compressor Internal 9 172 PANEL Folding Top Compartment See Group PARTS BSCICLID 2 697 15 100 10 TR111 1 A55y 1 1 V 12989 PARTS Carburetor Idle Vapor Vent 3 852 PANEL Front V 1 1 1 8130 PARTS Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 PANEL Front Compartment Rear 15 103 PARTS CSTPUTSLOT TITTOTYIS 3 762 PANEL Fr6nt Door outer 12 895 PARTS Clutch and Brako Podal Shaft lAlso soc PANEL Fr6nt 066r sin 16 603 groups 4 634 and 4 648l 0 837 PANEL Fr6nt 0661 Trim Finisn 14 691 PARTS Door l landlc Push Button 10 529 PANEL 1 0 1 1 0 1110 SOO Group 8 147 for 1 0 1 PARTS Electric Seat Adjuster 11 556 1 0 00 1V1OO1O1 OO 1 1014 1 0111110 0 100 PARTS Electric Seat Adjuster Switch 11 558 DOS1O 011O S1 1 v v 4 8 132 PARTS Engine Mounting Small Attaching 0 002 PANEL Front Fender 8 153 PARTS Folding Too ll lotor and Purno 14 482 pA1 15L 1 0 1 1 0 00 V 8 13 PARTS Front and Rear Door Outside Handle 16 353 PANEL Fr6nt less paint trim and nertiwerei 10 351 PARTS Front Soar Back Lock 11 390 PANEL 1 0 41 SOO Back 1 11358 PARTS Generator Drive End 2 307 PANEL 1 0 1 S001 00 10 A Rest v 11 374 PARTS Injector Throttle C0ntroI External 3 490 PANEL Front Seat Side Lower less mouldings 14 860 PARTS I Ol VST El ld Gatc I2 I95 PANEL 1 1000 pO 01 v 1 r 1 8 O Q PARTS Radiator Grille Baffle 1 274 PANEL Instrument Panel 16 oesn 10 230 PARTS Radiator Grillc and Enginc Baftlc PANEL L6 56 F166r 12 975 Attaching 1 270 pAN1 L pO k1 O Lamp v v 2535 PARTS Small Injector Control Governor InternaI 3 525 pAN1 Ll pLUG 1 0 1 Body Hjngg v v 12340 PARTS Windshield Wiper Motor 16 065 1 PANEL Radiator 1 263 PAWL Bodv Sidc and Roar 16 157 PANEL Reeiater and Grille Filler 1 287 PAWL Brake Shoo Autoniatic Adiusting Lovcr 5 105 PANEL Rear Deck Front and Rear Seat 12 971 PAVVL Door Outsidc Lock I I8l1CII8 I0 55I ANELI 1100 DOO 01 10 1 1 12913 PAWL Parking Brake Lever Release 4 595 1NE 1100 DOO T 1 1 1 1011 14 764 PAWL Rear Compartment Lock Handle 12 254 NEL Rear Lower Inner Lining Metal 16 592 PAWL Transmission Overdrive Shifting 4 490 EL 1 100 Quarter T 1 11r 15 101 PAWL Transmission Parking Brake 4 294 ig1 RO0 01 0 10 15 100 PAWL Transmission ParkingLock 4 220 L Rear oiiener Side Inner 12 941 PEDAL Accclarator 3 451 F100 S001BOOk CO pa 1 0 1S11011 PEDAL Brake 4 625 11 01011O 1 V 15 024 PEDAL Clutch 0 830 1 100 UOOO 1 0 L1 1 O 117101011 15 589 PEDAL Headlamp Dimmer 2 459 200 W11OO1 W1 0O1S111O1O1 8 175 PEDAL Parking Brake Apply 4 591 OO1 1 vv 1 17 050 PEDAL UNIT Brake and Clutch Pedal 4 630 OfTT1TT1 1 V 4 64O PILLAR Body Lock 16 520 gf W111 OOO0 Oack OOO 00 1101 01110 PILLAR Body Side Rear and Rear Hinge 17 160 1 15 535 PILLAR Center Body 12 491 L1 1 O 16742 PILLAR Front Body Hinge 16 507 OOfO1 1 g1 12 310 PILLAR ASSY Center Body 12 491 1 10111 Sjdg 1 12303 PILLAR ASSY Front Body Hinge 16 507 1 RTS 1 100 13001 LOOK p1110 1 12 942 PILOT Transmission Gearshift Shaft or Tube 4 TTS Wheelhouse 12 944 II 0W8r 4 030 2 QTST V1ndsh1B d WOOOO AOOOSS PIN 4 311 30 10 130 PIN Accelerator 3 463 O yr Rear 0110 10 Side Outgr 12 940 PIN Accelerator Pedal 3 452 81 rl 1 103 0 0 10 V 15 100 PIN Air Cleaner Intake Valve 3 415 05 Body 0 0 11 0 12958 PIN Air Conditioning Compressor Shaft 9 175 126 yy1 OOW 1 1 0 12954 PIN Air Conditioning Compressor Pressure Relief 9 178 981 qack LOWO 1 108 1 01 1 121966 PIN Back Door Vertical Lock 16 332 6 10 1110 11 V 16 790 PIN Back Window Glass rubber 11 207 AOA 11 Dash 1 Vv 12 803 PIN Brake Pedal 4 634 1 505 O 11 4 12 804 PIN Brake Shoe 5 026 1966 38 T 1m v 16 165 PIN Brake SIWOB 5 04I 14 50 nnvnn V4 I Aggll 16 545 PIN BRAKE SHOE ANCHOR 5 055 55 I8 a Compartment See PIN Brake Shoe Friction Spring 5 030 1 66 V1 ASSY 1 12 989 PIN Brake Shoe Link 5 034 1 1 From ROC v 14050 PIN Camshaft Sprocket 0 738 7 83 1 10 12895 PIN Carburetor and Fuel Meter Float Lever 3 747 I 83 mer Arm Rest AvV 11374 PIN Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 440 16 58 0 LOWOP 1 362 PIN Child Safety 14 870 BAA 01 COmOO 1 O 1 PIN Clutch Fork Release 0 787 Z9 89 16 110 PIN Clutch Release Lever 0 875 9 I OS 9743 PIN Crankcase Front End 0 206 2 88OA v A nglgvgvv 12975 PIN Cylinder Head 0 293 Z 551 Hess hardware nnrnnl 12 179 PIN Distributor Gear 2 379 A6 1 10 1 V V v 21593 PIN Door Check Link Retaining 16 437 2 ig CHEVROLET ivtoroa DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N 44 REV 7 1 69