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Parts and Accessories Catalog October 1968 |
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HUB Wheel Cover Appearance v 5 871 INSULATOR Muffler v 3 704 HUB ASSY Steering Wheel Hub v 6 512 INSULATOR Propeller Shaft Brg 5 439 HUB ASSY Transmission Front Drive 4 158 INSULATOR Rear Spring 7 545 HUB CAP Wheel 5 858 INSULATOR Roof Luggage 12 815 Hydraulic Brake Main 4 650 1NSgLAT0lrl Roar with Uppar back and partial pillar cover L 16 585 INSULATOR Tail and Stop Lamp 2 694 I INSULATOR Toe and Floor Board 16 800 INSULATOR Valve Rocker Cover and Support I BEAM Front Axle Cross Member 6 008 also 598 group Or366 0413 11141 51 LEF1 00018 11 1 m 1 109 INSULATOR vvrreei Cover Appearance 5 871 INDICATOR and PARTS Transmission Control 4 020 lNTERl OCK Gemshift V 4307 WFLATEI1 ASSY 1 r 1 r 5 880 leon Floor Board Wear 17 030 WJECTOR ASS r and COmP0 0m Fuel IRON Platform Floor Board Wear 17 438 Injection 3 300 INLET ASSY Air Duct 9 782 INSERT Body Side Outer Panel 17 507 J INSERT Brake Connector 4 671 INSERT Bumper and Grille 7 828 JACK Agro 8 820 lN ERT C6fbUf Y01 Fl06i r 3 734 JACKET Mast also see group 6 803 6 518 INSERT Cylinder Head 0 293 JAR Ash Receiver Mounting 12 016 11 155111 0 r 111006 10 464 JAR Windshield Wiper Peres 10 154 EXi16LISI Valve JET Carburgtgr Lgw Speed 4 INSERT 1 010109 100 5001 8311 14 090 JET Carburetor Metering Rod with Gasket 3 792 INSERT Front Fender Also see Group 17 507 8 147 l lN r ASSEMBLY Ualvarsal 5 548 INSERT Front in Prime less trim and hardware unless listed 16 150 INSERT Gearshift 4 303 K INSERT Hood Also See Group 1 303 8 055 4 INSERT Horn 2 810 KEY Air Conditioning Compressor Clutch INSERT Hydraulic Brake 4 686 Actuating 9 188 INSERT Instrument Case 9 746 KEY Crankshaft 0 659 INSERT Lighting Monitor r 2 584 KEY Door Lock Outside Locking Handle 10 550 INSERT Main Cylinder Outlet Fitting 4 661 KEY Ignitior1 Door Compartment Trunk Gas INSERT Parking Lamp 2 586 Tank Cap Tire Locks 2 187 INSERT Seat Separator 16 650 KEY Instrument Panel CompartmentDoor 10 266 INSERT Spring Leaf 7 495 KEY Speedometer Adapter 4 330 INSERT Vacuum Power Brake Hydraulic Cylinder 4 915 KEY Transmission Countershaft Gear r 4 429 INSERT Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder 4 922 KEY Transmission Synchronizing 4 384 INSERT Wheel Cover Appearance 5 871 KEY Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Air Valve 4 918 INSERT Windshield Wiper 10 146 KEY Valve Stem 0 310 INSERT Windshield Wiper 16 062 KEY BLANK Rear Compartment Lock Handle 12 251 INSERT UNIT Door Inside Trim 16 165 KIT Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass Valve 9 199 INSTALLATION UNIT Rear or Auxiliary Speaker 9 665 KIT Back Window Safety 11 204 INSTALLATION UNIT Stereo Tape 9 670 KIT Brake Shoe 5 026 INSTRUMENT PANEL in prime 16 080 KIT Carburetor Governor 3 870 INSULATION Air Conditioning Evaporator KIT Door Lock Remote Control Connecting 10 506 Expansion Valve 9 214 KIT Door Lock Remote 10 500 INSULATION Engine 17 800 KIT Fuel and Vacuum Pump Repair 3 925 INSULATION Floor less rear compartment floor KIT Hydraulic Steering Small Parts see Groups pan 12 980 6 551 for adapter kits and 6 609 6 610 INSULATOR Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 220 6 612 6 614 6 615 for pump kits 6 507 INSULATOR Air Conditioning Evaporator KIT Pitman 6 859 Expansion Valve 9 214 KIT Propeller Shaft Bushing and Seal 5 451 INSULATOR Back Window Garnish 11 120 KIT Quarter Window safety 11 011 INSULATOR Brake Cable 4 784 KIT Rear Door 10 473 INSULATOR Brake Caliper 4 668 KIT Steering Connecting with internal parts 6 870 INSULATOR Carburetor to Manifold 3 726 KIT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump Drive Shaft 6 615 INSULATOR Concealed Headlamp Opening KIT Steering Gear Hydraulic Valve 6 551 Cover 2 770 KIT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump 6 609 INSULATOR Coolant Temperature Engine Unit 1 150 KIT Transmission Gearshift 4 004 INSULATOR Dash Panel 15 280 KIT Vacuum Power Brake Cylinder Poppet Valve 4 928 INSULATOR Electrical Output see group 9 748 KIT Vacuum Power Brake Hydraulic Cylinder 4 907 for tell tale windows 2 515 KIT Windshield safety 10 027 INSULATOR Floor less rear compartment floor KNOB Air Conditioning Control 9 278 pan 12 980 KNOB Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 INSULATOR Fuel Tank 3 022 KNOB Ash 16 120 INSULATOR Fuel Tank Gauge 3 112 KNOB Body Side and Rear 16 157 INSULATOR Fuse Junction 2 483 KNOB Cigarette Lighter 9 709 INSULATOR Generator 2 313 KNOB Cowl Ventilator Adjuster with Lower Link 10 313 lNS ULATOR Generator Current Regulator Listed KNOB Direction Signal Lamp 2 897 in Group 2 500 2 319 KNOB Door Inside Locking Rod 10 559 INSULATOR Hood Panel 8 021 KNOB Door Lock Inside 10 512 INSULATOR Instrument Case 9 749 KNOB Door Ventilator Channel 10 659 INSULATOR Luggage J 17 070 KNOB Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift INSULATOR Manifold 3 602 Control 4 570 196 3 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATl0N as REV 7 1 69