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1973-78 Truck Illustration Catalog February 1982
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I T 1 5 49 T K A I vLI T J 4 lt J o A A A Q iTl K L E Q SV T K rw X T 5 w A V 5 IIIIIII T A vm YYY FRONT VIEW tg g I OORPORATION I I I r J 1 6 A i T T 4 rs 6037057 P T J vnzw A I v I l ii E T E a L T Q ll A g A A x A A T S M 1 1 I A T T T T gZ I E J T FRONT VIEW Qs DANA 5 I I A rs 4s SERIES 30 1 TON REAR AXLE IDENTIFICATION I Throughout the 5 000 Group Rear Axle section reference is made to CORPORATION Rear Axle and DANA Rear Axle This illustration clearly shows the major differences The Corporation Axle Assembly will have the Filler Plug located in the Carrier and will also have a Pinion Bearing Retainer The Dana Axle will have the Filler Plug as part of the Inspection Cover and will not use a front Pinion Bearing T Retainer 4 J 5 WAREHOUS NG AND oasrmsunou mvnsaow or GENERAL morons CORPORAT ON LT TRUCK 5IA A 5 000 G ROUP T 5 ci 2 83