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1973-78 Truck Illustration Catalog February 1982 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX G MOLDING Side Front Door Lock Pillar Between Side Front Door and Side Rear Door 17 507 MOLDING Side Panel or Body Lower Front or GASKET End Gate Lock 17 198 Rear of Wheelhouse 17 507 GASKET End Gate Lock 17 204 MOLDING Special Moulding Spear Type 17 507 4 GATE ASM End Transfered to 17 185 MOLDING Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 17 198 17 215 17 615 MOULDING Body Inside Top Front and Rear GATE ASM End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 Trim Parts Formerly in this Group are now GATE ASM Stake 17 485 in Group 16 575 575A 17 112 GLASS Body Side Window Parts Formerly in MOULDING Body Side Window Parts Formerly this Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 in this Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 GLASS Upper End Gate 17 190 GUIDE End Gate Closing 17 208 GUIDE Roof Parts Formerly in this Group are now in Group 16 585 17 060 N GUSSET 17 110A NUT L 17 507 NUT Luggage Roof 17 070 H HANDLE ASM End Gate Lock 17 204 P HANDLE ASM End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 HAND RAIL Pick up Box 17 090 HINGE ASM End Gate Closing 17 208 PAD Luggage Roof 17 070 HINGE ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 PAD Pick up Box 17 090 HINGE Body Side Window Parts Formerly in PANEL ASM Body Inside Top Front and Rear this Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 Trim Parts Formerly in this Group are now HOOK End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 in Group 16 575 575A 17 112 HOUSING 17 11OA PANEL ASM Body Lower Rear Parts Formerly in this Group are now in Group 16 565 17 166 l PANEL ASM SHIELD Body Load Carrier 17 505 PANEL Body Parts Formerly in this Group are I now in Group 16 570A 17 110 PANEL Body Front End 17 455 PANEL End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 INSULATOR End Gate Lock 17 198 PANEL Roof Parts Formerly in this Group are INSULATOR End Gate Support 17 202 now in Group 16 585 17 060 INSULATOR Luggage Roof 17 070 PILLAR ASM Body Side Rear and Rear Door IRON Floorboard Wear See Group 17 442 17 030 Hinge Parts Formerly in this Group are IRON Platform Side Rub Rail Floorboard Wear now in Group 16 507 17 160 Iron 17 442 PILLAR REINFORCEMENT ASM Body Side Rear and Rear Door Hinge Parts Formerly ul in this Group are now in Group 16 507 17 160 PIN End Gate Closing 17 208 r L PIN End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 PIN End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 i PIN End Gate 17 225 LADDER Roof Access 17 080 PIVOT ASM Body Side Window Parts LATCH ASM Body Side Window Parts Formerly in this Group are now in Group Formerly in this Group are now in Group 16 460 17 136 16 460 17 136 PLATE L 17 507 LATCH ASM End Gate Lock 17 198 PLATE ASM End Gate Support 17 202 LETTER 17 507 PLATE End Gate Transfered to 17 225 17 635 LETTER End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 PLATE End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 LEVER ASM End Gate Lock 17 198 PLATE End Gate Lock 1 7 204 LEVER Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 PLATE End Gate Top and Bottom 17 185 LINK ASM End Gate 17 225 PLATE Roof Parts Formerly in this Group are LINK Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 now in Group 16 585 17 060 LOCK ASM End Gate Lock 17 198 PLATFORM ASM Floor Universal 17 400 LOCK ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 PLUG End Gate Closing 17 208 V LONGITUDINAL ASM Luggage Roof 17 070 PLUG End Gate Support 17 202 POCKET Front End Rear Stake I 1 7 462 POCKET Utility Stake Rack Transfered to 17 462 17 515 MOLDING Body Side Front Front of Rear R I Wheelhouse 17 507 MOLDING Body Side Rear Rear of Rear V Wheelhouse or Above Rear Wheelhouse 17 507 RACK ASM Stake 17 485 MOLDING Cab Rear Outer Panel Rear Back RAIL Luggage Roof 17 070 Corner of Cab Back Wdo 17 507 RAIL Pick up Box 17 090 V MOLDING Cab Side Lower and Upper RAIL Platform Rear Rub with Pockets 17 445 Between Door and Box 17 507 RAIL Platform Side Rub Rail Floorboard Wear MOLDING Door Side 17 507 Iron 17 442 MOLDING Doors Side 17 507 REINFORCEMENT Roof Parts Formerly in this MOLDING End Gate and Rear Door Decoration 17 215 Group are now in Group 16 585 17 060 MOLDING Fender and Side Panel With Dual REINFORCEMENT V L 1 7 110A Wheel Cab L 17 507 RETAINER ASM 17 507 J MOLDING Front Outer Rocker Panel Rear of Front Wheelhouse 17 507 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51 INDEX 17 2 A i L