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Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Schedule and Numerial Index March 1958 |

BATTERY WARRANTY ADJUSTMENT PROCEDURE Original Equipment Batteries C Chevrolet Motor Division will extend credit to Chevrolet Dealers in accordance with the Car Manufac turer s Standard Warranty 90 days for defective Chevrolet original equipment Batteries installed in Chevrolet cars or trucks Adjustments under the Months of Service Warranty apply to defective Batteries beyond the 90 day period Chevrolet Dealers will be credited for adjustments on all Batteries listed in the RETAIL CUSTOMER AD IUSTMENT CHART NO 1 when Months of Service adjustments have been made in accordance with the Adjustment Charts and are presented to Chevrolet Motor Division by Dealers for established reimbursement New Replacement Batteries Chevrolet Motor Division will extend established credit to Chevrolet Dealers for adjustments made on defective new replacement Batteries of the types listed in the RETAIL CUSTOMER ADIUSTMENT CHART NO 1 regardless of whether installed in a Chevrolet or another make car or truck This extension of credit includes both the Full Warranty 90 days and Months of Service Adjustment period following the F ull Warranty ADJUSTMENTS DURING THE 90 DAY FULL WARRANTY PERIOD No charge to customers Fill out Form GSD 17 L MR on the same basis as is used for any defective part Attach Owner Delco Battery Warranty Policy properly filled out and signed by the Owner to the GSD 17 form and forward both to the Zone MR Room Refer to the Delco Battery Standard Warranty and Adjust ment Policy shown in this Battery Section for handling where owner does not have his Warranty Policy Disposition of the replaced battery can be made as provided in the Dealer Manual of Policies and Pro W cedures issued by Service and Mechanical Department ADJUSTMENTS DURING THE MONTHS OF SERVICE PERIOD FOLLOWING THE 90 DAY FULL WARRANTY Customer pays partial price This adjustment procedure is covered in three sections and applies as follows SECTION NO I RETAIL CUSTOMERS OF DEALERS SECTION NO II FLEET CUSTOMERS OF DEALERS SECTION NO III WHOLESALE CUSTOMERS OF DEALERS who perform adjustments for their customers Instructions with example are shown in this Battery Section Defective Batteries may be sold through local scrap channels Warranty credit will include adjustment provision for the amount normally received from the scrap sale BATTERY ADJUSTMENT FORMS AVAILABLE FROM ZONE OFFICES Form GSD l4 Delco Battery Material Return Form Form GSD 35l Delco Battery Warranty Adjustment Tables Retail consisting ot Form GSD 349 De1 Battery Dealer Adjustment Claim Ferm B tt ry W rr ty Adjustment T b1es Ret i1 b Delco Battery Standard Warranty and Adjustment Form GSD l5 Delco Battery Warranty and Adjustment Service P HCY Policy c Date ot Manufacture Code Chart NOTE Refer to Policies and Procedures Manual of Service Department for any additional Warranty instructions required V REVISED DECEMBER 1 1958 436 PEA 28 REGULAR DIVlBI9N WHlTE