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Dealer Parts and Accessories Price Schedule and Numerial Index March 1958 |

CHEVROLET IDEILCO BATTZZEIRY SECTION STANDARD VVARRANTY AN D ADJUHSTMENT POLICY 1 90 ZDAY WARRANTY All Delco batteries are warranted to be free from defects in material and workmanship Should a defect not merely discharge become apparent within the first 90 days of usage the battery will be repaired or replaced at the option of the manufacturer free of charge This repair or replacement will be made by an authorized dealer of Delco batterites Z ADIUSTED SERVICE POLICY Should a defect become apparent after 90 days in any type of Delco battery it can be exchanged for a new Delco battery on an adjusttxed service or pro rata life basis Charges to the owner are determined by the actual numlber of months of servztce delivered by the Delco battery needing replacement The Delco Battery Warrority and Adjustm ent Policy starts from the date of installation of cr new Delco battery or date of delivery ot a new vehicle equipped with ta Delco battery 3 MONTHS OI SERVICE The service received from a Delco Battery is measured in months of service determined by the type of service in which a battery has been used Regter to Battery Price Section next page following for complete information 4 The Delco Battery Standard Warranty and Adjustment Policy Certificate will be issued only to the pur chaser of a new Delco Battery or to the purchaser of a new vehicle equippe d with a Delco Battery The battery should be registered and a certificate issued by a Delco Battery Distributor or Dealer immediately 5 Adjustment is authorized on a Delco Battery when the Ctertilicatze is presented and delivered at time adjustment is claimed by the customer ln the event a customer has lost his certificate or one was never issued the Dealer can issue one at time of adjustment The certificate should be dated as of the date the battery was purchased or as of the date the new vehicle was purchased and completed in the usual manner All adjust ments to be based on user s current burying price 6 Failures in service due to fire wrecl age freezing neglect abuse failure to have battery inspected and filled with approved water periodically use of an electrolyte other than recommended by the manufacturer or the use of a battery of a group size smaller than the battery used by the vehicle manufacturer are not covered by the Warranty and A cljustment Policy 7 Factory warranty does not apply to wetecharged batteries that were m anufactured more than six months prior to the time of bei ng put into active service REGULAR DIVISION WHITE REVISED DECEMBER l l958 PAA 26