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Master Parts Catalog April 1950 |

Plate Radiator name 4 4 1 303 Powder Static eliminator 9 674 Rack assy Rear end stake 4 17 560 Plate Radio control cover 10 256 16 081 Preventive Radiator rust 8 766 Rack Seat adjuster 1l 56El Plate Rear comp lid lock 12 237 Projector Horn r 2 811 Radiator anti freeze l l75 Plate Rear qtr window req cover 11 042 Prop shaft and housing assy Front 5 435 Radiator anti squeak 1 276 Plate Rear qtr window hinge adj 11 054 Prop shaft brake parts Tru Stop 5 606 Radiator attaching parts 1 269 l 27CE Plate Rear shock absorber anchor 7 370 Prop shaft bearing support kit 5 436 Radiator brace rod l 3OSE Plate Rear spring clip and U bolt 7 518 Prop shaft flange oil seal 5 555 Radiator core l 2lSE Plate Rear spring U bolt anchor 5 403 Prop shaft front flange spacer 5 549 Radiator care lock and spacer plate 1 270 Plate Spring tension 7 515 Prop shaft pinion parts 5 545 Radiator cover assy 1 174 Plate Strq gear mounting 6 797 t Propeller shaft bearing cushion 5 431 Radiator drain cock 1 22Sjl Plate Sub frame 7 008 I Propeller shaft front bearing hanger 5 432 Radiator emblem 1 301 Plate Toe board 12 565 18 546 16 548 Propeller shaft front bearing support 5 432 Radiator fan shroud and bracket 1 277 Plate Top binding end 13 342 Propeller shaft front brq supt bolt 5 432 Radiator filler cap l 2UIl Plate Trans clutch 4 l63 Propeller shaft bearing and washer 5 436 Radiator filler cap disc and gasket 1 20 Plate Trans counter gear thrust 4 423 Propeller shaft 5 436 5 441 Radiator filler neck clamp support l 2l l Plate Trans main drive gear Propeller shaft ret spring 5 437 Radiator flush 8 78 l bearing lock 4 356 Propeller shaft bearing lock ring 5 437 Radiator grille 1 266 Plate Transmission cover 4 105 Propeller shaft housing Radiator grille moulding l 26l l Plate Trunk guard brace mfct 7 830 bushing and dowel 5 438 5 450 5 451 Radiator grille baffle 1 28 Plate Trunnion bearing lock 5 569 Propeller shaft brg ret and ins 5 439 Radiator grille filler panel 1 28 Plate Vac brake cylinder end 4 904 Propeller shaft nut 5 442 Radiator grille spacer 1 2815 Plate Vac brake cylinder 4 947 Propeller shaft bracket and guard 5 444 Radiator grille filler panel moulding 1 28e Plate Water pump back 1 113 l Propeller shalt coupling 5 454 Radiator hose 1 5 5 Plate Wheel carrier 7 752 l Propeller shaft coupling pin and rivet 5 457 Radiator hose clamp 1 l6I5 Plate Wheel carrier centering 7 783 Propeller shaft packing 5 469 Radiator moulding retainer L269 L27 Plate W S wiper inspection hole 16 583 Propeller shaft housing 5 5ULl Radiator 1 HOUl 1ll q bolt l 22l Platform assy 17 714 Propeller shaft pinion flange nut 5 595 Radiator name plate 1 3 j Platform cross sill 17 405 Propeller shaft brq dust seal assy 5 601 Radiator name plate spacer 1 30 1 Platiorm panel 17 422 Pulley and fan Generator 2 274 N Radiator name plate nut and bglt 1 307 Pliers 8 82l Pulley Brake cable 4 833 Radiator outlet pipe l l7f Ping Axle filler 5 400 Pulley Crankshaft 0 659 Radiator overflow hose and clamp 1 z4 j Plug Battery filler 2 332 Pulley Fan and water pump 1 062 Radiator overflow condenser unit 1 29 1j Piuq Camshaft bearing hole 0 553 Pump assembly Oil 1 652 Radiator overflow tank hose l 29 Plug Carburetor idle hole 3 821 Pump assembly Water 1 069 Radiator panel l 26jf Pluq Carburetor nozzle passage 3 775 Q Pump assy Folding top 14 481 Radiator reinforcement tie bar 1 27i Plug Carburetor step up piston 3 86l Pump SSY Fuel 3 900 RGGUGTOT 1Sl preventive 8 76lf Plug Carburetor strainer screen ret 3 782 Pump assy Trans torque converter 4 110 R 1di 1l0f SCIe n 1 261Z Plug Carburetor pump jet 3 803 Pump Tire 8 816 R dl l01 shell 1 261 Plug Carburetor intake ball check 3 827 Pump Trans oil supply 4 200 Radiator Shell bracket catch 1 26 Plug Carburetor discharge ball check 3 832 Pump Trans primary 4 115 l Radiator Shell ornament 1 26 Plug Cernmutator end oil hole 2 301 Push 1 Od Clutch pedal 0 832 Radiator Shell m0 ldl q and fI1fCi l 26 El Plug Door opening step mat l5 3l6 Radiator shell baffle l Z8f Plug Expansion 0 033 8 97U Q Radiator stop leak 8 79 5 Plug Fldq top pump valve 14 482 j Radiator support bracket cushion 1 230 Plug Fmm Spying bumpy 3 75 Quarter wmdtjw IOWGT Sash Radiator thermostat 1 245 plml GUS ml neck lender 1 019 I 8 208 channel weatherstrip ll O27 Rcdlmm Washer 27 Pluq Gwrshift r 1 Smit housing 4 016 ouqrier ben muidmq retainer 12 116 R d 9 65 Plug Gwfshiit v CYL i iS 4 075 Qumter bait moulding bon ts washer 12 118 R dl 9 64 Plug Grease cup hole distributor 2 364 Q Quarter belt moulding Rem 12 1l6 Radw Comml COVQY Plate 10 256 16 08C Ping Hyd brake main cylinder 4 651 l Quarter belt moulding escutcheon l2 ll 7 Rgdlo grille 10258 1608 Pluqt l YYUm l P l 16090 l Quarter belt moulding ret spacer 12 118 Rqdlo grille Emmy 1O 25fl Pluq Knee ti sprim di 6677 t owner belt rem mu outer 12 428 l R d S MUSE 608 Plug Knee qcgimt me hglg 6394 Quarter lower Him GSSYU I I I 4 I 4 l 4 IBJUO Radius rod and bracket Front brake 5 01 Five Knuckle p 5 4 6223 Quarter trim mldq and ret Rear 15 101 gqglus mg Emclgm bm Sm gina pan drain 1 453 Quarter mm upper Rear l 15 070 Rgillu TO ractet bglt lock 5 01 uq lp1 SS f pipe if 1631 Quarter window gum finish midq 11 113 GD S gm ll 6l Pl J Plpe 8 971 Quarter window sash chni 11 005 11 007 RGTL C Wl Slde 4 12 8 8 1555 Pluq Spark 2270 Quarter window division channel 11 008 Rall Foldlnq mp from mol MUSU Plug Speedometer driven gear 4 333 Quarter window knob Cmd wich 4 11010 R ll Folding lOP Side TOOL l4 l0O 14 WU Pluq Steering connecting rod 6 881 Quarter Window glass 4 11011 Emi Fmm roof l6 5lU Plug Sgggyinq gear housing 6 806 Quang Window glass bumper I I U l 11 013 Rail Platform side rub 17 44Il Plug Strq idler and 3rd arm shaft 6 181 Quarter WmdOW glass rubber Chnl 11 015 Bull Rem qu Yl Y bf ll Oul f lZ 42l Plug Tie rod end 5 259 Quarter window glass weatherstriol ll 0l5 Rall side md 12 g5G 12 95 7 Plug Tyqngl primary pump hsq drain 4115 Quang WmdOW glass nm Channel iH 021 Rail Windshield 16 553 Pluq Trans rear bra retuiner Supt 4 317 E Quarter window q1 ss channel ret i ll O24 Hull with p k9 P m mb 17445 Plug Trans thermostat valve spring 4 216 Quarter Window reveal moulding HBCU Gxle mlm Plug gasket 5 4U phtq Tyqnsmissjcn Case COVE 4 m6 Cmd puns vv 4 4 I P gllul 11031 Rear axle gearshift lever attach bolt 5 62l plug U joim Sleeve Yoke I I A i 5 556 Qumrier WmdOW guide Req U I V U I A11040 Rear axle gearshift lever support 5 621 PM V bmke hyd cyl end 4 910 Quarter window regulator 11 041 3 ggglkuqe 5623 gluq 1lVG Y 0Cl Pf Gmi 5h l r 0 356 Quarter window reg cover plate ll O42 idler lever bracket 5 632 uq Glef WC Gl r r 1 146 Quarter window reg handle ll 044 Rear axle gearshift selector Plunqer assy Dome lamp 11 946 lB 49G Quarter window req knob pin 11 045 valve Cmd Pcrls 553 3 Plunqer Carburetor 3 838 Quang Window mq Cam l 1 O48 Rear axle gearshift power unit Plunger Gearshift 4 013 l Qucmer wmdOW mq handle SCn 1 047 mounting parts 5 8Q 7 PNUQQY i S Y m i panel Quang Window hinge l 11 052 Rear axle gearshift vac hose mp me t dom 1 ck 10 270 16 110 Quarter window hinge pivot bushing 11 053 t hi q PMS 5153 5 Plunqer Starting motor drive shift 2 113 Qu Hier Window hinge Gd plate 11 U54 Rear axle housing 5 397 Plunqer Tire lock 7 882 Quang Wind hinge pivot SCL gl Stud ILOS7 Rear axle housing oil deflector 5 392 l Ck k 17 462 out mer wind garnish mug W snip 11 118 Rem 1 musing v r 5 393 Pocket Trim pad 8 888 Rear axle housing cover gasket 5 393 Paint unit Distributor 2 384 R Rear axle shifting mechanism 5 619 Polish Body 4 8 762 Rear axle shift lever bracket 5 622 Polishing cloth 8 769 Race and roller Axle shaft 5 855 Rear axle shift cable qrommet 5 6216 Post Rear quarter corner 12 944 Race Steering worm thrust bearing 6 527 Rear axle shift rod idler lever 5 623 692