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Parts and Illustration Catalog 44N February 1991 |

ALPHABETICAIL INIIIIEX 12 118 SEAL Fuel Gage To Tank 3 112 ggggwfggggsxcwilggg ZZZQQ 2 480 sem mil iqjemr Pump gag SCREW Cowl Trim 14 630 SEA l Fiuiel Line 3 318 SCREW Distributor Cap Retaining 2 368 SEAL F uel ll Ieter Contro 8 845 SCREW Distributor 2 383 SEAI I leat er 8 854 SCREW Door Hinge 10 463 SEAL Heater Core 8 010 SCREW Door Lock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 SE AL Hood Panel 2 170 SCREW Engine Mounting 0 029 SEAIL Ignition i 9 665 SCREW Engine Push Rod Cover 0 446 SEALII i STRIP Radio Auxiliary Speakers 10 092 SCREW Engine Mounting 0 029 SEAL l l E STRIP Windshield i 10 565 SCREW Exhaust Pipe i 3 616 SEALIINIE STRIP Door Inside Locking o 10 694 SCREW Front Fender And Body Ornamentation 8 132 SEALING STRIP Door Weatherstrip SCREW Front Fender Inner Wheel House 8 153 SEALING STRIP Front Door Window Glass SCREW Fuel Injection 3 330 i Zliziinnel Outer Inner 10 710 SCREW Generator Mounting 2 277 SEALING S1 RIP Rear Door Window Glass Run SCREW Headlamp Retaining Ring 2 736 N Outei l Inner i 10 774 SCREW Headlamp Adjuster l lEroritTDo3rFViiindow Regulator CREW Heater l I S ue an i er SCREW Hood Latch l 8 080 SEA LIlxl Ei STRIP Seat Belt 14 875 SCREW Ignition 2 170 SEAL I ifl AC Cgvmlpreisgor Cc iniroisgii SCREW Ignition Switch 2 188 SEAL I ront ee rive x e a SCREW Ignition Switch Warninig Lock or SEAL l I l Front Wheel Bearing Z 6 326 Headlamp l 2 195 SEAL l l Il ulti Port Fuel Injection Fuel Rail 3 331 SCREW Instrument Cluster 9 743 SEAL l I I Steering Tie Rod 6 242 SCREW KIT Brake Shoe Adjusting 5 110 SEAL IKIT Steering Gear Shaft 6 525 SCREW KIT Engine Air Cooling ElectricaI 1 055 SEAL IKl I Steering Gear Hydraulic Valve 6 552 SCREW KIT Fuel Injection 3 330 SEAL KIT Steering Pump 6 609 SCREW Luggage Carrier 12 815 SEAL KlI 1 ransmission Clutch 4 164 SCREW Oil Pump liillil rarismission Clutch SCREW Oil Pum E i eve SCREW Rear Dogr Trim 14 760 SEAI Power Brake Booster 4 845 SCREW Rear Door Arm Rest 14 762 SIEAI Flacliator Outlet Lower 1 173 SCREW Rear License Lamp 2 708 SEAL Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 SCREW Roof Panel 12 810 SEAL Ratlio Antenna Electric Less Motor 9 647E SCREW Seat Belt 14 875 SEAL Seet Belt 14 875 SCREW Shock Absorber Compressor 7 452 SEAI Speedometer Driven Gear 4 338 SCREW Steering Column EAL Steering ie Rcli ti SCREW Steering Column 1 EAL Steering ear ounting SCREW Tail Lamp Mounting 2 662 SEAIL Steering Column 6 519 SCREW Tail Lamp Mounting 2 688 SEAIL Steering Gear Shaft 6 525 SCREW Transmission Gearshift Control 4 006 SEAIL Steering Pump 6 609 SCREW Transmission Case 4 104 SEAL Steering Pump Drive Shaft 6 617 SCREW Transmission Shift Control I ever 4 012 SEAL Steering Pump 6 635 SCREW Transmission Shift Control 4 047 SEAL Steering Gear Oil Pressure 6 670 SCREW Transmission Oil Pan 4 196 SEAL Steering Gear Oil Return 6 671 SCREW Transmission Valve B0dy Cover 4 217 SEAL Steering Gear 6 674 iurn gignai gamph ihrottle Bodygtogiziznt Sutiply urn igna witc rainsmission i ontro SCREW Underhood 8 890 SEAL Transmission Oil Level 4 133 SCREW Windshield Wiper 10 159 SEAL Tranismission Input Shaft 4 354 SEAL A C Compressor 9 170 SEAL I rainsmission Detent Shift Control 4 050 SEAL A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SEAL Traainsmission Converter 4 115 SEAL A C Compressor Shaft 9 175 SEAL Trtirismission Solenoid 4 122 gompressor SEAIE Trensmission Sprocket Front Wheel vaporator rive 4 131 SEAL A C Refrigerant 9 196 SEAL Trelismission Oil Filler 4 133 SEAL A C Refrigerant Lines 9 222 SEAL T ttansmission Housing 4 162 SEAL Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 403 SEAL Trerismission Clutch 4 166 SEAL Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 SEAL Trtirnsmission Oil Pan 4 197 SEAL Air Distributor 9 262 SEAL Triairismission Oil Pump 4 226 SEAL Air Outlet 9 260 SEAL Tiiiarismission Servo Accumulator 4 228 SEALBEAM Headlamp 2 727 SEAL T i ansmission Governor 4 256 SEAL Catalytic Converter 3 690 SEAL Tttarismission Manual Shaft 4 282 l ouriesy Lamp and Door Ajiar 1i 9 0 Sligiz Windshield Defroster 9 779 ran as SE SEAL Crankgasg Oil Filler 1 7 sg SEAT Shift Control SEAL Distributor and Fuel Injector 2 363 SEAT Transmission Shift Control Lever 4 010 SEAL Distributor 2 383 SEAT Windshield Defroster 9 779 SEAL Emission Control System 3 670 SECTOR KIT Ignition Switch Warning Lock or SEAL Emission Control Sensors 3 682 l l ee lIamp 2 195 SEAL Engine Rear Main Bearing 0 137 SECUlFlII l Y PKG GM Vehicle Non Production 21 5138 Engine Eroni C i vferF Siimlilglgl Fuel Tank Meter 3 107 ngine ran s a ront SE IS il A C Electric Control 9 275 Engine Valve S ENISFgi l Air Cleaner Controls 3 415 ngine 1 SENIS il Brake Master C Iinder 4 651 SEAL Engine Clutch Fork 0 805 SENISOFI Coolant Tempeiyature Engine Unit 1 150 SEAL Engine Rear Main Bearing 0 137 SENISOFI Distributor 2 383 SEAL Engine Crankshaft Front 0 213 SIENSOFI Electronic Brake Control 4 710 Engine E alvi SIEl EIgFl Emission Control Sensors 3 682 ngine ran s a SI NS FI Emission Control Sensor 0xygen 3 682A SEAL Engine Coolant By Pass I lose 1 097 SIEl IS FI Emission Control Sensor M A P 3 682B SEAL Exhaust Pipe 3 611 SIEhIS Fl Emission Control Sensor VehicIe SEALER Emission Control Sensor O xygen 3 682A Speed 3 6826 SEAL Front Wheel Drive Axle Shaft 6 061 SIE I lS l l Fuel Pressure 3 910 j Y 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PAFITS IIJPERATIONS BUICK 44N t A 15 INDEX