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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958 |

3740729 1958 283 CU IN V 8 6000 8000 SERIES ENGINE ASSEMBLY Used with 4 and 5 Speed Transmissions and Z Blhrl Carburetor SUPPLEMENTAL PARTS REQUIRED FOR cORRESPONlDINrG PAST MODEL APPLICATION 1957 MODIBLS mam ourinmv mr no nsscnirariou m nzmnnxs A gwgsea arr r i a R 3 23 iEEErE EE 1rr11arr B 1 AHZQ Crarrteariiirese jia21r1r 1 2 U re Fi C 1 57 Generwrwydiigi Bracket 4 aynje t risjygd from replaced Engine W D 1 5573977 Oil Filter Unit C an be transferred on 1956 57 Models Requiredimon 1955 lV odele 1956 MODELS llncludes 6000 8000 Series except as noted 2 ieu1r S rraras 1111r ume2 r 1 ru1 1rr 1 2 11111 Ra 1rrr 1rgEr1eEne 1 e Z Yl heear 112 11ag Aaaatar F 1 418 EXh3l1 Q lH0 f jpr4Center Fxl1aur IVlanifo d G 1 a1a1 11 wrwrre e iR al Ierzerz ii Fail E F6 11 1 raaaa1 r 1 1 e e aa a Uir 1rr 1 a i1 a ra W r gegzaraaa Saarrrrejvreeee e l s sss D Qrz zs Ejr1i r ii1 r 1m mi 1 1 Made 11 e e aeirrr Qeekreireea 7 aw L 1 i 8 11 Q rear 1e12a 1e e n r2 1 er1112ra 1eers11i1 1 1 aa Q 1 11 SaaQa 1rg m 11 e eri1 13 111a1 11Eter1 1 Raar 11 1arr111 sm11l1 rer 1H E E I1 Q i9 111 L ii 11 8 jillgai 1arrr11 rM1i Qerrr1rra1 e E2 r ae1ar 1r aa r1 7 11 1 Faa Eiaitjlimi 1 eee ii Qrra1 D1r 1 r m P 1 Wa1ar 1 erae ua1e e rii a1 Qri 1 ear H o 1 esrsrare G9ll ll i 1 L Q j jj g1ai r1 i me gif R 1 0 Generator Pulley Fan Dual Drive S 2 RM1 Spar im UlR d3 l sition Tdangreplaced 1 and 3 to 2 and 4 Prrsition NOTE iot d T 50 M 1s with si1 5 ii dndGlr 1it r Belt It will be necessary to use Crank shaft Pulley 3742991 instead of 3747479 on these Models 1955 MODELS 6000 SEZR1llElS Requires items A thru R plus the fcillowing r 1 H l 1E11 1 111 aterr e 1e ri1e BaW 777 Y 1 2i B r1 ae e e M B1r Y1a 11a 1zs wieraarrrrar V 177 1513130 Temperatrrggagge jrgy ye enr1m Q1l W 1 1 Temperzdure Gauge Dash Unit NOTE Connect Engine Unit to DQ Egng 16 Ga1 m Wii ill1 71 Jumper Connect Dash Unit to Ignition Switch or Switch Controllled Terminall on Junction B Io l rcxzmzmru mrriomurmrrorrrr 1 Requires through Bolt and Nut tor attach Sltarter Motor at upper Bolilr hrole on 1955 and 1956 models 2 On 1955 models with Vacuum Windshield Wiper driill and tap 18 llnlet lM anifold hole for Hose Connector 3 This Assembly replaces 4 Barrel Ca1rburet r Engines by ltrumisferringg llianifold Distributor Assembly supplied can be used but Governor Speed Slettiing should be adjusted to 4BlC Engine Specifications 4 This Assenibly replaces equivalent Engines having Power Steeriirriig Spinner type Governor or Rir Compressor equipment by transferring parts peculiar to such installations as Illralaneer Belts Pulleys Manifold Distributor Oil Pan etc as necessary 5 Where parts will not transfer equivalent details must be used Exaairnplem 1956 8000 Series with Air Over Hydraulic Brake R H Manifold will not transfer Nlew 1957 R l l Nloirnifold 3732498 mnust be used 1958 Models use 3751504 Either 1957 or 1958 will transfer on its respective Model 6 Replace Oil Pressure Gauge Pipe with 5Z icut from 1399637 Zlilole locrrution changed in Cylinder and Case 1 51