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Parts and Illustration Catalog 30 March 1958
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NEW PARTS OR ACCESSORIES RETURNED FOR CREDIT Instructions for Dealers A New material returnable for credit is of six general forward your parts orders If shipped express pre classifications paid attach express receipt 1 PARTS RRTURNARLR UNDER 90 DAY RETURN CLAUSE E Rctcm thc number 3 ccpy ci PC 659 cs ycur record OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING MATERIAL of shipment ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR F When returning new Parts and Accessories to GMPD 2 ACCESSORIES RETURNABLE UNDER 30 DAY RETURN Warehouse via prepaid express which were origi CLAUSE OF SELLING AGREEMENT INCLUDING 1ly ship1 cd in error by GMPD ii h copy i ACCESSORIES ORDERED OR SHIPPED IN ERROR the paid express receipt to the No 2 copy of PC 659 3 DEFECTIVE NEW PARTS and credit for normal transportation expense will 4 DEFECTIVE NEW ACCESSORIES bs Quowed 5 SURPLUS STOCK C Defective New Parts 6 4 UNSALABLE PARTS RETURN PLAN l New pcgts found to be defective before installation has Parts and Accessories returnable in accordance with the Occgmre ijgrg g be w m d by YO mum Pqrts W r h s Selling Agreement should be written on separate PC 659 1 TS1 t h ld PC 659 Application For Authorization to Return New Material Parts 20 Igwmglugsrmfx lm ivigg Wcppiur Ox of only one of the above classifications should be written on set B Gig W lpiing Add Tue O s of one applications When items of more than one classification C D t are Ouse ESS are to be returned a separate application should be used for DQ i N d Add each group listed above Form GSD l I should be used as out Eu BI S uma un wss E PartNo lined in paragraph D l when returning defective accessories F N m of PQ t a e r B Material returnable under 90 or 30 day return clause G Quantity to be R mm9d of selling agreement including material ordered or H Dum Received shipped in error Included are parts and accessories I RQGSOH Or Return and Nature or the Defect Fund t b shut missing mp nt puns at time f When returning material shipment should be made as out lnstuuutwn lined in Paragraph B 2 D is R S Iv h fsim PQ 659 be i d 1 s 2 New parts found to be defective after installation oro to be 111 order to p1 Op9rly Identify returned parts OI QCCBSSOIIBS handled on GSD l7 L R in the Sumo manner as d hs sbvt X sd 1s iSF 0 s T v t i 1 the non noo been installed in production y s owing e require in orlmation out is orm 1 no o y Each part Should be rugged with GSD 43 Return Goods serves as a packing slip to identify the shipment but also Tu showin as an invoice from you to Chevrolet Motor Division for the E Qu ty i l nL iE T i B PM Number C D t A Normal Shipping GMPD Warehouse ED Vsigrlg gcgiiur Number E GMPD Warehouse Address I E Dealer s Name and Address C D ED Dgtljer Name cmd Address Material should be packed carefully and shipped PREPAID E purr Number to General Motors Parts Division Warehouse to which you F Name Or Puri normally return defective service material G Quorrrrty to Return 3 Copies zfl thru if 4 of GSD l7 are to the mailed to the Zim H Packing SHP Number M 4 R Room The number 5 copy retained as your recork 0 I Warehouse Received From Shipping Warehouse siilpmer GSD 17T Llsimg Tag ls to be used as Q pac mg D Date Received slip for the material shipped K Roosorr for Rorrrrrr D Defective New Accessories 2 Whoo rorurrrrrro rrrororroll shrpmorrr should bo modo os 1 New accessories found to be defective before or after in rouowsr stallation are to be returned on GSD 17 in the same A Tug one or each purr with GSD 43l Return Goods gianner aliggiew parts policy adjustment as outlined in TG I h I araqrap ggrrglrrvtrigg E After 90 days have expired on parts or 30 days on 2 po r N bor accessories dealer may apply for authorization to return Dogorrggorr such goods as Surplus Stock 4 PC 659 Numbgy l Application should be completed on Form PC 659 as in B Mor No 1 Copy or pc 659 ro Gorrorol Motors ports C 1 except the reason for return should show Surplus Division Warehouse to which you normally forward Slogku cmd Qu lRY C P S shcigld 8 meiled fc the Z your ports orders Office and materia eld y you or isposition c Pack material carefully for safe shipment using the 2 The bcrs 2 d 3 r i S f the r r li MU be rs No 2 Copy or pc ogg opohoorrorr os o pookrrro slip turned to you showing disposition to be made of the material NQTE On puree post shipments packing Slip is 3 On receipt ot the numbers 2 and 3 copies you should handle ro bo orrolosod rrr on orwolopo boorrrro the return of items coded R in accordance with procedure first class postage Attach envelope to lh 9d in P m9Y Ph B 2 A C D E package I Your Parts and Accessories Merchandising Manager D Ship the material PREPAID to the General Motors will furnish detailed instructions pertaining to the return Parts Division Warehouse to which you normally of parts under the 4 Unsaleable Parts Return Plan NOTE Paid receipts are not required on other than prepaid express returns for material shipped in error L 4