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COMMONLY USED AND RECO MME NlDED PHRASES COlD lNG l FABULATlON Continued 375 Give immediate attention to XLPU0 604 Forward detazliled retail delivery prices make 139 Urgency required XLGPT of car your zone XLDSR 149 Arrive here latest XLGRT 605 Net reduction in dealer s billing prices effec 136 Cable received that spare parts covered by tive date XLDS0 our order 4 4 are urgently needed XLGPD 606 No reduction being made model XLDSD 135 Urgent Car tied up XLGPO 607 Released to lDntario Motor Sales today XLDSU 167 Must have quantity today XILGDU 408 Needed to finish xuzsc WST Ml 557 Material urgently required XLOOU 573 Affidavits will be forwarded to you XLOUP 556 Matcrialrequired tocompletepresentschedule 574 Customs invoice received not complete XLOUR or schedule number 575 Certificate fsurrn M A not signed XLOUO XLGOD 576 Place and date not shown on certificate form 249 Awaiting back orders for the following XLMRT M A XLOUD 248 Your back order consisting of XLLMRC 2577 Rush certified customs invoices in triplicate XLOUU 247 Balance will follow XLMRU 193 Mail custo m s and accounting invoices im mediately special delivery e XLGTP DEALERS 5194 Mail corrected customs and accounting in 523 Send in following dealers to road XILOMP voices immediately special delivery XLGTR 128 Advise us or dealer if following models 578 Country of nrigizn not shown XLOUC ready for immediate delivery XLGMC 579 Fair marke t value column not completed XLOUT 129 Unless otherwise advised dealer will be at 580 Selling pri c 2 to purchaser in Canada not 600 factory date for following models X1 GMT Shown 4 XLOCS Arrange to deliver to name model account of dealer car to be preserviced VVe have GEN RA settlement in our possession l XLDSS 123 Will await ti 1lrtl1 er instructions XLGMP 601 Dealers very much disappointed in XLDSG 125 Unless otherwise advised XLGMO 602 Dealers very pleased with XILDSM 263 Are you covering XLMDP 603 This information confidential between dealers 3278 Will you agree to 4 XLMUC and ourselves XLDSP 400 Inspection r 2 rje ting XLRSS COMMONLY USED AlND lREClClMMENDED PHRASE DE i Ol ING TABULATION 101 Refer order XILGSG 140 Rush shipmuzzent XLGRS 102 Refer to our wire of XLLGSM 141 Check and advise by wire XLGRG 103 Refer to our letter of XLGSP 142 Check your schedule and shipments l XLGRM 04 Reply by mail XLGSR 143 Ship by express today XLGRP 105 Wire answer to our wire of XLGSO 144 Ship by freight today XLGRR 106 Wire answer to our letter of XLGSD 145 Ship by truck or transport today XLGRO 107 The letter you refer to has not been received 146 Ship express prepaid XLGRD send duplicate XLGSU 147 Ship carload freight prepaid XLGRU 108 Mailing order today r XLGSC 148 Ship parcel posi insured e XLGRC 109 Refer to your wire of LGST 149 Arrive here latest XLGRT 110 Refer to your letter of 4 X LGGS 150 Ship immedilitely XLGOS 111 Refer to our phone conversation XLGGG 151 Ship by express r XLGOG 112 Refer our shipping schedule number QXLGGM 152 Ship by freight XLGOM 113 Advise compliance or wire approval XILGGP 153 Ship by elecl ric freight XLGOP 114 Wire acknowledgment immediately XLGGR 154 Ship by truck or transport XLGOR 115 Wire answer ZXQLGGO 155 Ship by boal XLGOD 116 Wire advice XLGGD 156 Ship by first class mail XLGOD 117 Reply to our letter or memo XLGGU 157 Ship by air niail XLGOU 118 Advise shipping date dealer order XILGGC 158 Ship by air 2 xpress XLGOC 119 Ship G M A C wholesale XILGGT 159 Ship by pazrrrel post r XLGOT 120 Following order number confirms XLGMS 160 Ship by pa r el post special delivery XLGDS 121 Your invoice shows XLGMG 161 Ship by parcel post special delivery special 122 Ship sight draft bill lading XLGMM handling 4 XLGDG 123 Will await further instructions XLGMP 162 Ship in first ear XLGDM 124 Further information by mail XL GMR 163 Ship our order number via 125 Unless otherwise advised XLGMO express inrsltead of freight XLGDP 126 Cancel all unshipped orders dealer XLGIVID 164 Ship our order number via 127 Advise roading date following models XLG MU freight instead of express XLGDR 128 Advise us or dealer if following models ready 165 Ship by truck within 24 hours XLGDO for immediate delivery XLGMC 166 Ship balance of order by freight XLGDD 129 Unless otherwise advised dealer will be at 167 QMust have quantity today XLGDU factory date for following models XLG MT 168 Ship to and eharge us parts ordered by XLGDC 130 Ship as scheduled XLGPS 169 Do n ot char g g e to us parts ordered by XLGDT 131 Must be dispatched on or before XLLGPG 170 Cancel our order of XLGUS 132 Wire if unable to ship today XLGPM 171 Hold up shipment XLGUG 133 Send by first mail XLGPP 172 Hold for ins1 rur tion our order of XLGUM 134 Ship today XILGPR 173 Hold up fabrication and shipment of XLGUP 135 Urgent Car tied up XILGPO 174 Cancel following items our order XLGUR 136 Cable received that spare parts covered by 175 Cancel f0ll c wing items our order and our order are urgently needed XILGPD confirm by wire XLGUG 137 Ship following loads immediately XILGPU 176 Cancel follc wing items our order and 138 Release for immediate dispatch XLGPC confirm by letter XLGUD 39 Urgently required XILGPT 177 lk fake substii uti ns XLGUU 481 m 4