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COMMONLY USED AND REC OMNllIENDED PHlRASES CC D N l3 IVABULATION Continued 790 Prices quoted contingent upon approval of 512 Add to our order the following samples of our proposed construction parts Ifzillready dispatched ship additional which will be prepared for inspection at parts against back order i XLOGM your further request XLO I S 209 Decluct frorln schedule i XLMST 177 Malllre substitutions i 4 4 XLGUU SPECIFICATIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS 178 Make foll wini substitutions V i V XLGUC 371 Wire pal numbc v v IXLLPUG 516 Substitute where possible XLOGD 385 Ng record part ngmber V 4 L c 347 Subs ti1 iutio11ls requested cannot be made 386 The rbiibwibg part numbers V V 4Vr x LPcD L i d Sh r l i1 today t v W T t W V I XLPRU 319 Samir as V Except v IKLPUT 513 Change our order V to read as follows XLOGP 380 is obsolete The preferred substitute is XLPCS 202 Chdlrgg d S r F UO Our HVOICB XLM M 397 Part number requested by wire for is r XLPTU 203 Our mvdlcc m Orr Ct Change Part rwmber 377 Pidddb rush blue print xLPuu 514 GIG d i z e l s y r Qrder r r r A r Xl MSP 378 Please rush vandyke r X PUc arnge S iripmg instructions on our or er 471 Advise your order number with which Hollow 179 Clfd rdddlig V the r ing orders are packed XILRUG arise S l P lt SC 6 u C V 472 Wire weights and dimensions our order XLRUNI 207 chdrlge srrrpflmnlli marks OD Our Order 372 Advise car and engine number for parts your to read r XLMSU Order nurnben V x pUM 348 Unable to cliange order as requested Load 373 Advise body and job number for parts your V Sh lPP d Prldr rd Ydur Wire XLPRC Order r V V V V Xruaup 517 lncorrect parts received on our order XLOGU 368 Advise body Styled rrrmV paint eOrnb V nnrn 518 VR ire v hether necessary to reoperate stock on XLGGC bers for parts your order r X ILPDC drl r an Jbb ddd body dumber db hdr agree with gg gdvmc g 3 S rsfrrrg E6 A ggtggg engine number V r X pUR equire a r a ervi e no s awa 409 Parts not released for service use XLLRST IDIVERT 410 Released for emergency use only XLRGS Xl GCS 411 Released for Canada only r XILRGG ill 80 Drverr Shlpm imV FMGE 412 Released Or Export only V V V V V V V VXVLRGNI 26 Drvert code or sliipmerit 413 srbcir exhausted use XlL RGP 530 D vs f s yl S i Of me V XLMMT 381 G M Standards BnOk VO1 I V V Vix VPCG 2 29 Divert prot e l ing through rate 382 G M Standards B0ok Vol II l lPCM q 383 G M Standards Book Vol III XLPCP glp OR 5E N V V XLGPP 384 G M srdhddrds Book Vol iv 1KlLPcR 1 S d l Y ri r r X LGOD 450 Engineering Standards Sub Committee X LROS Shlp by GM lelrisb mall t t XLGOU 451 Metallurgical Sub Committee l lROG 15 Shlp by er mful V XLGOG 452 Non Productive Materials Sub Committee XLFIOM 15 Slvp EY dlr r e l rrjSlS c XLG01 453 Tool Standards Sub Committee I lROP 15 Shlp Y parcel pmt 148 Ship by parcel post insured r 160 Ship by parcel post special delivery ANCELLATION 161 Ship by parcel post special delivery special 170 Cancel our order of lI 1GUS handling r XLGDG 174 Cancel following items our order XXLGUR 560 Do not mail or send by parcel post XLODS 176 Cancel following items our order and 151 Ship by express XLGOG confirm by letter XLGUD 143 Ship by express today XLGRP 175 Cancel following items our order an d 146 Ship express prepaid XLGRD conhrm by wire XlLGUO 1633 Ship our order number 511 Cancel following items our order lf via express iristead of freight XLGDP dispatched give us authority to return XL D GG 164 Ship our order number r 126 Cancel all unshipped orders dealer XILGMD via freight instead of express XLGDR 259 Can you accept cancellation XILIWOT 152 Ship by freight XLGOM 346 Cancelled as per your request XlLP RD 144 Ship by freight today XLGRR 350 Cannot cancel as requested Dispatch efliected 162 Ship in first car XLGDNI on XLPOS 147 Sh p carload frllright prepaid XLGRU 351 IVIaterial shipped cannot cancel as requlested XI lPOG 153 Ship by electri freight XLGDP 349 Unable to accept cancellation Letter fol 154 Ship by truck or transport r XLGOR lowing XILlP RT 1415 Ship by truck Cor transport today XLGRO 515 Cancel dealer billing reconsign to Zone ware 565 Ship balance of order by truck or transport house and charge Zone stock lX I G0 today 165 Sh b t k tl 124 h s nom up 164 Shig biilargg SAE by r S ht gccieggg 172 Hold for instruction our order of XL G UM ggtlilggi Oi Order by freight today il Vi Vi iX G 173 Hold up fabrication and shipment of X I GUP 156 Ship indlmE di431 i i C XLGOS 171 Hold up shipment XLGEIUG y I ri l l S 140 Rush shipment XLGR 554 Hold until further advised XI C OR 1311 Ship tO ray XLGPR 3 Om M mqvstedr r e e e e mr Release rd rm dr dispatch xterm gniblijt wld yrmr Order S 137 Ship following loads immediately XLGPU at Od K 5 up Ol 1321 Wire if unable to ship today 131 Ms bad ztrhizl bf CHANGES Sr r r s M sr s m Sh 2 c 2 rE d fri T F Tr xtdrs 181 Add to Our Order V VV V 4g G 122 Ship sight draft bill lading X GGN 182 Add the dndwrrrg items ro Our Order V 119 Shrp G lVI A whcillesale L and Crmfqrm by Urr V V X q 4 j y 232 Ship G NI A Z wholesale freight financed XLMPM 396 Addition to schedule XI P Il D 525 Advise additional model to make load for XL4D VI0 SHNPPED DR SEN ll 510 OK to increase order to minimum 290 Shipped today XI NITS buy amount XILDGS 291 Shipped in car yesterday r XLNITG 479 H Mae A