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Master Price List Six Cylinder Models February 1944 General Data ->
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h4 4 C x 7 The Chevrolet Master Parts Price List is arranged in eight sections as follows A perusal of all these features will disclose to the readers the numerous helps which are incorporated to facilitate the finding and ordering of desired parts l Car Model Serial Identification and General Car Data 2 Illustration Index 3 Abbreviations and Alphabetical Index 4 Chassis Section Groups 0 000 9 999 Incl See thumb nail index on margin of title page 7 5 Passenger Body Section Groups 10 000 15 999 Incl See thumb nail index on margin of title page i 6 Commercial Body Section Groups 16 000 17 999 Incl See thumb nail index on margin of title page V 7 Supplementary Data Section v 8 Numerical Index A V To locate the listing of a Part refer to the Book under the Group Number identifying it which may be ig determined by using any of the following three methods git Qi L2 V V l Consult Alphabetical Index at front of book which lists Parts by noun and descriptive names and gf refers to the exact Group Number where all Parts of similar kind may be found More than one Group Number will be given wherewne same kind of Part is shown in both Passenger and Com Y mercial Body sections lf Name of desired Part is not readily found in the Index a correlated Part t ft C V name will suggest approximate location A j Consult Illustrations which precede each Group section on which Group Numbers are shown Q IT l i difecting you to the Part or Assembly wanted it Consult Numerical Index if a Part Number is known and use its Group Nuzber to locate a similar JI Part or be directed to the approximate location of correlated Parts gk I v h Lf M j g i r rh a s I The Group system of listing Parts briefly is as follows C V Main units of the car are identified by the Numeral preceding the Decimal i e V CT Engine 0 1 g 3 Cooling and Oiling l 7 Electrical 2 f Fuel System 3 B Individual Parts are assigned a Group Number the first Numeral identifying the main unit it is C g affiliated with and following the Decimal is the Sub Group Number under which all Parts of the same ik name and function are listed For instance Group 0 033 0 indicates that it is an Engine Part O33 C is the Location where all Part Numbers of Cylinder Blocks now being serviced may be found vs For convenience List Price is shown where the Part is listed An exception to this occurs when a Part is also listed elsewhere than in its original or prime Group and in such listings the prime Group is indicated in Parenthese in place of Price This procedure is necessary as a part can have but one identifying Group Number for ordering or bin location For example under Group Number 3 023 Part l Number 475570 is listed as Gas Tank Bolt and in its price column is shown 3 707 which refers to the prime group of that part The Price may be obtained by referring to that Group or to the Numerical Index The Numerical Index contains useful information explained at the heading of that section of the V ool J When ordering parts that cannot be found in the Parts Book as outlined above please furnish a nwlete description of the part serial and engine numbers of the car on which part is used and other tihent information suchfas trim combination number body job number etc as this will serve to facih handling the order andreduce the possibility of error 2 fi V an ed