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A1p1r i L Index Tj I I Engine 0 000 I Clutch 0 795 I M A TER I J iD oiung 1 4zs g T C I T Q PAR Si PRI I IE5 2 004 2 999 of 2 Fuel System T I 3 000 Carburetor I I 2 125 Pump 3 900 Q Transmission 0 for 4 000 4 447 lT y Brakes pgu Nm 4 591 5 266 0 R A 1 9 0 J R geIIei Sh 3 0 SIX CYLINDER MODELS 1929 1042 0 I i 3 I 5 S47 Effective february I5 1944 s I Supersedes Master Parts Price List effective Feb 1 1943 P Ek Ak 30 0 PARTS oR1 i2Rs ro nz PLA cE BY A 1 2 if fir CHE VRCILET DEALERS WITH 0 M fgtghix I CLNEPAL NIIOI ORS PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION I WAREHOUSES CONVIZNIENTLY LOCATED AT THE FOLLOWING POINTS I 5 Amarillo Texas 5 mrqo N D Louisville Ky Pittsburgh Pa I I t Atlanta Georgia Thint Mich Memphis Tenn Portland Maine I I Y fi t0 Birmingham Ala Fort Worlh Texas IVIi1 N 1 11 Wis P0r0t1 nd Oregon I A t Bloomiield N I Great Falls Mont Minneapolis Minn Richmond Virginia Vi Boston Mass Houston Texas New Orleans La St Louis M0 ABSOIBEYS Cleveland Ohio Indi 1 napolis Ind Norwood Ohio Salt Lake City Utah 0 00 7 4 ji Charleston W Va Iacksonville Fla i Oakland Cal San Antonio TeX S i R Charlotte N C Ianesville lNis Oklahoma City San Francisco Cal 5 L Fiji Denver Colo Kansas City Mo Okla Seattle Wash M Sprin Des Moines la Long Island City Omaha Nebr Sh 10eveport La Detroit Mich N Y Peoria Ill Wichita Kansas 77 I El Paso Texas Los Angeles Cal Philadelphia Pa Wilkes Barre Pa i Factory Whse Saginaw Mich Z Tigg Qagrigg 1 Master Warehouses Ti I Subsidiary Warehouses Not authoitized to receive direct Government lPurchase Orders fi Major Supply Depots Bulnp rsrf 7 T I The suggested resale list prices discounts and allowances in this catalogue dated I I Feb 15 1944 are the maximum resale prices tor the parts listed liereizn in accordance Me 8 with maximum price regulation 453 WHOLESALIEITS AND RE 1 AlLER S MAXIMUM shlndurd f PRICES FOR AUTOMOTIVE PARTS oi the Oiiice oi Price Administration I 8 90 n I if C1 1EvR or 1 1 Moron Division Mn A GENELRAL MOTORS CORPORATION 9 0 DETROIT MIICH v cr Prices subject to change without notice su IL r r 0 Copyright 1944 General Motors Corpc rati n P A 30 Revised February 15 1944 Litho in U S A