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Parts and Accessory Catalog 55A June 1982 |

T ABBREVIATIONS LUV7 i Abs Absorber Extn Extension OL Overall Length j I A C Y Automatic Choke E E C Evaporative Emission Oper Operating X Carburetor Control Opg Opening i j A C Gen Alternating Current Ornam Ornament Generator Fcg Facing OS Oversize Acc Accessory f F l Fuel Injection O S R V Outside Rear View Accel Accelerator Flwhl Flywheel A A Cl Air Cleaner Flex Flexible Pack Packing F Adj Adjustable Flg Flange Pnl Panel Adjusting Fldg Folding i P B Power Brake i A l R Air Injection Reactor F M Fuel Meter P S Power Steering Amp Ampere Frgd Forged Pit Pitman A R As Required Frt Front Pkg Package i Asm Assembly 4BC 4 Barrel Carburetor Pl Plain A T All Automatic A 4WD Four Wheel Drive Plttm Platform Transmissions Press Pressure i Aux Auxiliary Gal Gallon Prop Propeller i e Batt B tier Gen Generator Pt Part 8 V G G no P T P tr t eine ernenne eilr eilier i ai Blk Black I Ot Quart I Bre Bearing r no Heavy Duty orr orrerier graki t H Per High Performance e mc 6 Hex r Hexagon R Y Right gumkpirs I Hdle Handle Rad Radiator UC B Ea S Hd Head Rd Round BSh9 Bushing Hdlng HeadIining Recir Recirculating r I Hdlp Headlamp Rect r Rectangular f CAC A Lg W g 2pg4 Season H D Susp Heavy Duty Suspension Reg Regulator T Deiuxei Hsg Housing Reg Prod Regular Production Cad Cadminum Htr Heater Ret Retainer C Shari iicamshaii Hvy Heavy P R H RightHand Carb i I i i i Carburetor j Hyd Hydraulic Rkr Rocker ggrr ggggggs re reeree erereerer Iggeciji Q 1 I i rS e J LT f ex n ldent Identification Rbr Rubber r giwggigl lgn rlgnition Rr r Rear J Cm I I i i I a S ESI Serv Service g S a gi3 hS a mi I I ZZirriei sgi I I srrrgle A I Choral I I Coumeibore instr instriiment giliig Abs gpochpbsorber i Comb Combination ns msu a Or r Ou Gr I com com ressor Int J internal intake Sltd Slotted Comgi I I I I Cgmgaytment Inter nt rm di3t Speed C mp I Cemeressien K Pin King Pin gse PerI I ggggigi High Performance Com Connecting I I I Speedo Speedometer ggxgggghaii Lea lizezther gpg gpring i L e q quare giiunk gg fSunk L D Light Duty St Steel Stainless Steel r Cu h Cushion L H Lett Hand Staty Stationary Lg Long r Std Standard Dbl Doubie D Lwr Lower r Stmpd Stamped Dell oerieeier Sire Steering Def Defreefer Max Maximum gupt guppigrt i I DeV Developed V Mkd Marked yncro ync ronizing Diaph Diaphragm MES Mast I Die i Diameter Matl Material T Teeth Diff Differeririei Mech Mechanical Tach Tachometer D Disrr Distributor Med i Medium Temp Temperature Div Division mer member ie iergiinriiydramaiic D D ln lDlmUfT i ur I r ivmd Manifold rnd Thread I E C B Extended Cafgd Box Mldg Moulding V Therm Thermostat Econ Economy Mtg Mounting T W Tilt Wheel Emerg Emergency V Mtr Rod Metering Rod Trans Transmission Eng Engine n 2 B C Two Barrel Carburetor T r Equip Equipment ND New Departure Trf Transfer Escn Escutcheon NL Not Listed Exc Except No Number U joint Universal Joint Exch Exchange NP New Process US Undersize e 4 Exh Exhaust NS Not Serviced Univ Universal T Expan Expansion Upr Upper Ext External O D Outside Diameter Util Utility WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENEFlAL MOTORS CORPORATlON CHEVFlOLET LUV 55A E I