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Parts Catalogue No. 616-1 December 1960 Illustration Index ->
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INTRODUCTION MODEL 1960 61 O v R IDENTIFICATION INTRODUCTION This publication No 616 1 is the latest evised Edition of the 1960 61 Corvair Master Parts Catalogue It has been reprinted in its ntirety and now includes all 1960 61 service parts for all Corvair models including 1961 S ries R 1200 Your present Corvair Catalogue No 616 dated October 1960 should be di carded and replaced by this Revised Edition which includes Revision No 1 Future Revisions to this publication will e distributed automatically to Replacement Page Service Subscribing Dealers The general format of the book is arranged in a similar manner to the 1958 61 Passenger Car Master Parts Catalogues with the excepti n of the following differences APPLICATION The parts data wh n applicable to all models is shown as All Whore a specific vehicle is involved the model number is indicated Where appli ation varies between Canadian and U S models notations to this effect are also shown Where a part number is used in more than one group it is crossreferenced by bracketing t e other group effected immediately following the quantity to b used figure TRANSMISSION The Standard Thr e Speed and Automatic Transmission data is now segregated in o two sections as in other 1958 61 Passenger Car Parts Catal ues Suggestions for improving this publicati n should be directed to the attention of the Catalogue Section by using the self address post paid correction cards available in the Hang Me Handy wallet from your Supplying Warohouse Errors or omissions should also be repo ed in a similar manner so that they may be remedied in the next Revision to this publication 1961 MODEL EN M CA 1 IOI I lfawl iYbaIbIw Body TYPO 527 108 S andard 2 Door Sedan 569 108 S andasd 4 Door Sedan 535 108 S andard 4 Door Station Wagon 72 108 D luxe 2 Door Sedan 769 108 D luxe 4 Door Sedan 735 108 D luxe 4 Door Station Wagon 927 108 onza Club Coupe 2 Door Sedan R 1205 99 C rvan Panel Delivery R 1206 95 S ation Wagon Greenbrier R 1244 9 P ckup Loadside R 1254 95 Pickup Rampside 19 MODEL ENTWICATION liloiet wl lbE Body Ty 52 108 Standard 2 Door Sedan 569 108 Standard 4 Door Sedan 7 108 D luxe 2 Door Sedan 769 10 D luie 4 Door Sedan 927 108 onza Club Coupe 2 Door Sedan