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1963 65 TRUCK SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION PLATE For I966 Identification Plate see the General Information Section of the Illustration and Special Information Catalog P A 25 The Chevrolet Truck Service Parts Identification Plate entered production approximately December 1 1962 on 1963 Series 60 D M T 2 Ton and all Series 80 2 1 2 Ton Trucks The plate is located below the G V W Plate on the left kick panel of Conventional Cab C D E L M U Models and on the left door pillar of Tilt T models The information which appears on the Identi fication Plate see illustration below is for the most part self explanatory and when used in con junction with the information shown on the G V W Plate and in the Parts Catalog provides a positive means of identifying the type equipment installed on these vehicles A detailed explanation of the information appearing on the Plate is as follows I CHEVROLET TRUCK SERVICE PARTS IDENTIFICATION VEH SERIAL 3T663P 100001 SE 4001 ENGINE RPO L 30 W WHEELS FRONT AXLE 3822563 TYPE DISC CAPACITY 11 000 SIZE 20 X 6 5 REAR AXLE 3820698 STUDS 10 TRANSMISSION 3826434 SPRINGS RPO FRONT F60N AUX TRANS 4 SPD REAR G58G BRAKE SYSTEM HYD AUX G60C WHEEL BASE CAB SEAT RPO A57B REFER TO GVW PLATE AND ABOVE INFORMATION WHEN ORDERING PARTS VEHICLE SERIAL NUMBER This number should correspond to the number shown on the Vehicle Serial Number Plate attached to the upper left hinge pillar of all models except School Buses and Chassis with Cowl Models These models have the plate attached to the left side of the dashpanel The complete vehicle serial number includes the year of manufacture model number third digit omitted plant designation and and assembly sequence number Example 3T663 P 100001 YEAR MODEL PLANT SEQUENCE NO 3 1963 T663 Tilt Model 6603 2 Ton 133 W B P Pontiac 100001 lst truck built at Pontiac I ENGINE R P O NUMBER Engine Series Number and Suffix Chart The Engine Regular Production Option Number identifies the type and cubic inch displacement of the engine The letter following numerical designation is significant only to the Central Office P A Department as it aids in identifying the vehicle model and certain other options used in conjunction with the particular Engine Option This letter should not be confused with the Type Designation letters shown on the Engine Series Number and Suffix Chart which are part of the engine designa tion stamped on the Engine Identification Pad In a few instances the letters SE will be inserted to designate those Engines which differ from both R P O and Standard production The Engine R P O Number space will be blank when the vehicle has standard engine equipment Refer to the G V W plate for the certified Net horsepower When directing inquiries relating to Engine Parts to Central Office P A Department include both the Engine R P O Number and the Engine Identifi cation Number 1966 c I IM o e l I M rcJ ll l ia 7 Hm Rsvnszo m 1uAnv 1 1966