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There are five series of trucks in 1960 and 1961 In 1962 the Series 70 trucks were discontinued and the classification of the 80 Series was changed from H D 2 1 2 Ton to Std 2 1 2 Ton Serial number interpretation is as follows EXAMPLE V 2 it Q 65 ul Year Model Wheelbase Body Type As mber 1962 2 1 2 Ton 80 Series l57 Conv Cab Pontiac 765 Unit Built Conv Tandem w Gas Engine NOTE Body types are indicated by the last two digits of a model number and by the third digit following the model letter in the serial number The code is as follows Model Number Vehicle Serial Number Last Two Digits 3rd Digit Following Model Letter Body Type 02 2 Cowl less W S School Bus 03 3 Cab 09 9 Stake Rack 12 2 Cowl with W S 50 2 Ton 60 2 Ton 70 2 1 2 Ton 80 2 1 2 Ton Truck D Wh 11 2 T sm n sm 6 6 Model escription base Inches Model Year Model Year Model Year Model Year Model Year 133 41 1960 62 51 1960 62 61 1960 62 71 1960 61 81 1960 62 Conventional Cab 145 52 1960 62 62 1960 62 72 1960 61 82 1960 62 C with 157 43 1960 62 53 1960 62 63 1960 62 73 1960 61 83 1960 62 Gasoline Engine 175 55 1960 62 65 1960 62 75 1960 61 85 1960 62 197 68 1960 62 78 1960 61 88 1960 62 133 61 1962 Conventional Cab 145 62 1962 with 157 63 1962 2 Cycle Diesel 175 65 1962 197 68 1962 Low Cab Forward 121 Bl 1962 E LCF with 133 82 1962 2 Cycle Diesel 145 83 1962 121 61 1960 62 71 1960 61 81 1960 62 Low Cab Forward 133 1960 62 62 1960 62 72 1960 61 82 1960 62 L LCF with 145 1960 62 63 1960 62 73 1960 61 83 1960 62 Gasoline Engine 175 1960 62 66 1960 62 76 1960 61 86 1960 62 197 69 1960 62 Conventional Tandem 157 73 1960 61 83 1962 M with 175 75 1960 61 85 1962 Gasoline Engine 193 78 1960 61 88 1962 197 62 1960 62 157 1960 62 S g l gus 225 1 2 64 1960 62 6 5 243 67 1960 62 77 1960 61 261 1 2 69 1962 79 1960 61 Tit C b 97 62 1960 62 72 1960 61 82 1960 62 T I Tha 109 63 1960 62 73 1960 61 83 1960 62 G 1 Wl E 133 66 1960 62 76 1960 61 86 1960 62 S me g 145 68 1960 62 78 1960 61 88 1960 62 U Tilt Cab with 97 82 1962 2 Cycle Diesel 109 83 1962 1966 Chevrolet Motor Division HDT 4 General Motors Corporation REVISED MAY i 1966