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Dealer Accessory Catalog January 1974 |

Foreword Because Each Customer ls An Individual each customer wants to personaIize his or her car as much as possible You can help your customers do just that with the dealer installed accessories found in this 1976 Chevrolet Accessories Catalog You lI find that this catalog is designed to help you equip each car you sell and service in a way that best satisfies your customers driving needs For example if a prospect does a lot of recreational driving he can probably use a trailer hitch or a luggage rack You can find them both in The Open Ftoad section beginning on Page 4 Or maybe there s a lot of family driving in the picture If so acces sories like special seats for infants and children or chiId proof door locks are important Both are found in the FamiIy Driving section ln fact no matter what kind of driving your cus tomers do you have the accessories that can make it more enjoyable So whether you re in the new car showroom or in parts and services get to know your customers And take the time I to familiarize yourself with this catalog and every Chevrolet and El Camino accessory in it That extra time will pay off in satisfied customers and more repeat sales All vehicles shown in this publication contain production and or dealer installed accessories which are not included in the base vehicle price All illustrations and specifications in this catalog are based on the latest product information available at the time of printing The right is reserved to make changes at any time without J notice as to colors materials equipment specifications and models and also to discontinue items or models we 1 0 ep DO D0 Eg mg O 2 D l g U mZ m 3 5cO W O J6 Cg mmOm 9 B 5E S T 6 I h 5 5 3 D g D O 6 mm c 3 CD CD 30 33 T Z P g Fv 5 va O m O cD OO 0 E A 5 Q x S a69 i 2 g 3 OW Z mi 3 D O 0 wm 3 m Q c mmm 5 08 q D D g pOc Z O O ZO0OC g N C CD 3m I Q JU 3m II f E 4 3 l OF 0 5 D Q c 2m CD m 2 F B g B c 3 6 N 3 293 3 g gC 05 2 i 3 3g5 52g g 6 7 g 9 qgaaw 25 36 1 c O Um cn c rp m N 3 m OO mg qD ZU O Q 5 3 U 0 CDO cn Q m v 9 0 q OO m O mm OO2u EO j D Q C 00 3 0 3 O U D2 5 3 tn fD 1 U D m n m D D3q D D 0 52 6 8a 0 Ef 3 9 m B wg g g g 2m ggg a 3 U O J QD x O 1 nm c vg Q D O m UO CD 3 5 m r O 1 O OO 2 3 2 a 5223 q gggmggz 5 OcDmg O 535 gggggmg 5 D JC C5O gzozzi g 2 i 5 3 U m EE L 3 com I f2 5 S 3 5 i gg g 2g a