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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog 72TM May 1979
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ABBREVIATIONS Cont d l H D Susp Heavy Duty Suspension Pack A Packing H L High Lift P R W Panoramic Rear Window Hsg Housing Pnl Panel H T Truck Hydramtic Pass Passenger Transmission Park Parkerized J Htr Heater P B Power Brake Hvy I Heavy PDL Pick Up Delivery Hy Hyatt EI Camino Hyd Hydraulic P G Powerglide V P R Pressure Regulator P S 1 Power Steering ID Inside Diameter Pit Pitman Ident Identification Pkg Package M n Ign Ignition Pl Plain I mit Imitation Pltfm Platform Incl Includes Prdss Pressure I nd Indicator Prop Propeller Inl Inlet Pt Part Instr Instrument P T Powermatic Transmission Ins Insulator or Allison Automatic Int I Internal Intake P Trac l Positraction I nter Intermediate K Pin King Pin Qt Quart r Qtr Quarter Lea Leather L Left LCF Low Cab Forward R Right V L C I Low Cut in Rad Radiator L D Q Light Duty Rd Round L H Left Hand Recir Recirculating Lg Long Rect Rectangular L P Gas Liquid Petroleum Gas Reg Regulator Lwr Lower Reg Prod Regular Production Ret Retainer 1 Max Maximum FU Rl9hi H l l Mita Marked Flkr J Fl l r ul Mag Master Rnfct Reinforcement I Matl Material Roch Rochester Mech Mechanical Fl bl Rllbb l Med v Medium Run Bd Running Board Mbr Member Rf l Real Mm Minimum R S I Rally Spvrt r wma Manifold MHC Motor Home Chassis Mldg Q Moulding Mtg Mounting SBC School Bus Chassis Mtr Rod Metering Rod Sch Bus Ch Sed Sedan NB2 N O X Emission Control SDL Sedan Delivery l Calif only Serv A Service ND New Departure Sgl Single NL Not Listed Shk Abs Shock Absorber No Number Shldr Shoulder NP New Process Sltd Slotted N R E New Process Spd Speed N R E Noise Reduction Spec Special Exhaust Sp H Per Special High Performance NSS Not Serviced Separately Speedo Speedometer Spg Spring O B A C Oil Bath Air Cleaner Sq Square 0 C V Oil Cooler St Steel Stainless Steel O D Outside Diameter Staty Stationary O D Overdrive STA WAG Station Wagon OL Overall Length Std Standard Oper Operating Stmpd Stamped Opg Opening Strg Q Steering Ornam Ornament SUB Suburban Carryall OS Oversize Supt Support O S R V Outside Rear View I Syncro Synchronizing 3 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 72TM 7 88