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ABBREVIATIONS Abs Absorber Custom Custom Air Conditioner A C Automatic Choke Cyl Cylinder Carburetor 2 cyc 2 Cycle A C Gen Alternating Current 4 cyc 4 Cycle Generator Acc Accessory Accel Accelerator A Cl Air Cleaner Dbl Double Adj Adjustable Defl Deflector Adjusting Def Defroster A l R Air Injection Reactor Dev Developed Air Equip Air Over Hydraulic Diaph Diaphragm Brake and Air Dia Diameter Brake Diff Differential Air S Air Suspension Distr Distributor A M Air Meter Div Division Amp Ampere Dr Door A O H B Air Over Hydraulic Drld Drilled Brake D D A R As Required DubI Duti Forward Control Chassis Assy Assembly A T All Automatic Transmissions Aux Auxiliary Econ Economy Emerg Emergency Eng Engine B A Bel Air Equip Equipment Batt Battery Escn Escutcheon Bind Binding Exc Except Blk Black Exch Exchange Brg s Bearing Exh Exhaust Brk Brake Expan Expansion Brkt Bracket Ext External Bpr Bumper Extn Extension B S Bucket Seats E E C Evaporative Emission Bshg Bushing Control E H D Extra Heavy Duty C A C Car Air Conditioning V All Weather 4 Season Fcg Facing Deluxe F C Forward Control Cad Cadminum FFC Flat Face Cowl C Shaft Camshaft F l Fuel Injection Carb Carburetor Fill Fillister Carr Carrier Flwhl Flywheel C C Comfort and Fltln Fleetline Convenience Equip Flex Flexible Ch Chassis Flg Flange Chnl Channel Fldg Folding Chr Chrome F M Fuel Meter Ck C Crankcase Frgd Forged Ck Shaft Crankshaft Frt Front cl Clutch 4BC 4 Barrel Carburetor C T C Continental Tire 4WD Four Wheel Drive Carrier C bore Counterbore C Deluxe Custom Deluxe Air Conditioner Gal Gallon C O E Cab Over Engine Garn Garnish Comb Combination Gen Generator Comm Commercial Gov Governor Comp Comprexor Gskt Gasket Compt Compartment Compr Comprexion Conn Connecting Conv Convertible H D Heavy Duty CPE Coupe H Per High Performance Cplg Coupling Hex Hexagon Ctr S Countershaft Hdle Handle C sunk Countersunk Hd Head C S Custom Sport Truck Hdlng Headlining Ctr Center Hdlp Headlamp Cush Cushion H D A CL Heavy Duty Air Cleaner 1 970 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON P A 30 44