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Bnish assy Windshield wiper Bushing Trans control idler lever 4 040 Cap Door outside handle lock motor 10 150 16 065 Bushing Trans control rod 4 018 cylinder 1 6 370 Brush unit Generator 2 285 Bushing Trans converter hsg hub 4 115 Cap Engine blower 1 105 Bulbs Lamp 8 991 11 925 Bushing Trans frt oil pump 4 203 Cap Engine intake 3 265 Bumper Brake pedal 4 634 Bushing Trans low sun gear 4 162 Cap Fldg seat back 14 818 J Bumper Clutch pedal 0 829 Bushing Trans main shaft rear 4 408 Cap Front door lock case 10 552 16 370 Bumper Door glass sash 16 190 Bushing Trans output shaft 4 176 Cap Heater ignition unit base 8 840 Bumper Door side 10 587 16 400 Bushing Trans rr oil pump body 4 203 Cap Hom button 2 820 Bumper Door window stop 10 716 Bushing Trans turbine shaft 4 115 CRP Lock Pillar finishing 10 353 Bumper End gate lock 12 237 Bushing assy Air conditioning Cap Main cylinder filler 4 651 Bumper Engine compt lid 8 024 pulley 9 181 Cap Manifold vac take off 3 278 Bumper Engine cooling air Bushing assy Rear axle control ann 5 381 Cap Oil filler tube 1 758 throttle valve 1 035 Bushing assy Strg idler lever 6 897 Cap steering knuckle lower Bumper Filler panel 12 975 Bushing assy Strg knuckle lower control arm 6 170 Bumper Folding seat 11 620 control arm 6 170 Cap Trans lever spring 4 027 Bumper Folding top rail 14 180 Bushing assy Strg knuckle upper Cap Valve spring 0 309 Bumper Gas tank filler door 12 945 control arm 6 164 Cap Wheel 5 858 Bumper Instr panel compt door 10 263 Bushing assy Strg relay rod 6 897 Cap W S washer jar 8 798 Bumper License plate 7 800 Bushing unit Steering knuckle upper Cap W S wiper end 10 150 16 065 Bumper Load floor 12 975 control arm shaft 6 164 Cap W S wiper motor drive 10 157 Bumper Luggage compt lid 12 212 Button Door handle push 10 529 Cap assy Gas tank filler 3 028 Bumper Quarter window glass 11 013 Button assy electric window Cap assy Hydraulic steering pump 6 635 Bumper Rear floor filler 11 620 switch 10 777 12 195 Cap assy Oil filler w gauge 1 516 Bumper Rear spring 7 535 Button assy Front door trim 14 685 CHP Hssy Radiator filler 1 203 Bumper Seat 16 716 Button assy Seat back 14 804 Cap assy Windshield wiper motor 16 065 B mP9 St k k1e S PP t 6176 Buzzer assy Temp warning 1 800 CBP unit Gas tank filler lodring 3 028 Bumper Tail gate hinge 12 184 Capacitor assy Generator 2 319 Bumper Trans lever detent spg 4 008 Carburetor assembly 3 725 Bumper Vacuum power brk air C Carburetor repair kit 3 725 valve 4 918 Cargo net 9 675 Bumper Windshield washer 16 065 Cable Battery to starting switch 2 342 Carpet assy Front floor 15 300 Bumper assy Front seat stop 11 381 Cable Direction signal control switch 2 895 Carpet assy Rear seat 15 306 Bumper assy Rear axle 5 395 Cable Ground 2 341 Carrier Differential w cap 5 505 Bushing Accel control rod 3 425 Cable Trans control 4 007 Carrier assy Differential w cap 5 505 Bushing Accel pedal rod 3 425 Cable and Casing assy Carrier assy Transmission planet 4 175 Bushing Air shut off valve 9 786 Speedometer 4 342 Carrier assy Wheel 7 629 Bushing Brake pedal 4 626 Cable assy Accelerator pedal Carrier unit Luggage 12 815 17 070 vi Bushing Clutch control cable 0 851 control 3 431 Case Air conditioning evaporator l Bushing Clutch pedal 0 831 4 626 Cable assy Clutch pedal control 0 854 core housing 9 211 Bushing Door 16 330 Cable assy Fldg top trim Case Air conditioning distributor 9 262 Bushing Door hinge pin 10 464 16 323 hold down 14 102 Case Heater 8 854 Bushing Generator drive end hinge 2 277 Cable assy Heater 9 787 Case lnstrummt cluster 9 743 Bushing Engine cooling air valve Cable ngsyw Parking brake 4 826 Case Instr panel compt door 10 266 arm shaft 1 035 Cable assy W S wiper motor 10 163 Case Transmission 4 103 Bushing Endgate 17 208 Cam Carb fast idle 3 766 Case Wheel carrier lock 7 679 Bushing Folding seat link to bar 11 620 Cam Direction signal cancelling 2 896 Case assy Air conditioning Bushing Fldg top Side rail control Cam Distributor 2 381 evaporator blower 9 215 line 14 300 Cam Gasoline tank 3 107 Case assy Heater air distributor 9 786 Bushing Fldg top rr rail Cam Gearshift detent 4 311 Case assy Heater defroster 8 857 to hinge 14 180 14 320 Cam Heater ignition unit base 8 845 Case assy Transmission 4 103 Bushing Folding top side Cam Lower cont arm outer 6 172 Case assy Windshield wiper roof rail 14 110 14 155 Cam Windshield washer pump 10 153 16 060 motor 10 150 16 065 Bushing Front stabilizer shaft 7 243 Cam assy Door window vertical Case unit Diff carrier 5 510 Bushing Generator 2 277 guide 10 792 Catch Ramp door safety 16 335 Bushing Gen commutator end Cam assyn Qtr window Catch Rear seat panel 11 620 frame 2 298 lwr sash 11 007 11 046 Catch assy Engine compt lid 8 080 Bushing Generator heat sink Cam assy lwr cont arm adj Catch assy Folding top 14 310 insulator 2 319 Inner 6 172 Catch assy Fldg top center rail 14 080 Bushing High clutch drum 4 169 Camper Custom 9 675 Channel Back window glass rubber 11 207 Bushing Hom blowing 2 819 Camping equipment 9 675 Channel Door glass division 10 686 Bushing Lower cont arm strut 6 170 Camshaft 0 519 Channel Door glass sash 10 689 16 190 Bushing Pinionfront 5 447 Cap Air cond comp fitting valve 9 177 Channel Front door glass Bushing Pitman shaft 6 786 Cap Back window reveal run 10 701 17 136 Bushing Platform leg 17 447 moulding 11 209 16 475 Channel Quarter stationary glass 11 015 Bushing Rear spring 7 524 Cap Crankshaft frt brg 0 095 Channel Quarter window upper sash 11 005 Bushing Starting motor end 2 083 Cap Crankshaft rear brg 0 105 Channel Rear door ventilator Bushing Trans case 4 104 Cap Distributor 2 367 glass 10 826 1962 Chevrolet Motor Division CORVAIR CHEVY 8 General Motors Corporation