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Parts and Accessories Catalog 82TMGRF July 1983 |

GROUP INDEX Engine 0 000 In Line E Gas ve va all ur r Gllllluiesel Clutch Cooling Grille I 000 Oil System MEDIUM DUTY Fuel Exliuust 3 000 4 Speed TRUCK GRAPHIC 2 iliil Auxillary ILLUSTRATIONS gw eals Bru es 1973 T H R U 1982 3 51 00 T Wheel Brake Dnmpunents Reqr Axle ron iw 2 i z l l nr n r r stm conventional D i e Q l SCHOOL BUS CHASSIS F I t AND Si inAx e 6 000 STEEL TILT MODELS Frumegprings 7 000 Bumper REPRIIITIEII III ITS IEHTIRETY Sheet Mend 8 000 REi r AcEs szTrvr GR PRINTED NOV rssr Heater All illustrations contained ln thls catalog are based on the latest production B dy Mollilllllg 9000 informatron available at the trme ot publication approval General Motors AIT CONIIIIOIIIIIQ Corporatlon reserves the rrght to make changes at any time without notice in Instruments colr rs materials equipment specilications and models and also to dlscontinue w d h Id I6 000 mo els lI I S IE 82TM GR F Interior Panels wAREr r0usrNG at DISTRIBUTION Plutlorm I7 000 DIVISION or GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION ENGINEERING GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT Stake Rack l BELLEVILLE rvrr 48111 16M PRINTED IN u s A JULY rosa