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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967 |
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![Corvair Chassis Shop Manual Supplement December 1967](/getbigpage?pageid=17451)
AIR INJECTOR REACTOR SYSTEM 6T 7 V I A S S S VV i SS St S V S S V S V 1 e V S ze V Vs V Vafiti V i f 4 S E I S S S i S S V S S iiv 3 et zz e I V L it S as S S Su i Ve ffS S S S V 3 S S V S V SS S SSSSS We V S V V I V 2 i at Szvw SS SS S S V S l E J I I I Sig V E mw www ceV V n V 6 S Vn V K M V V 3 V c r V 4 si 1 S fc V V 3 i 2 s gg V S v V V V s v S S V t S 4 V V I SVV 1 I r Yi VV Fc S r r VV 7 if l t S i V J V 2 E 1 V 3 2 fj 3 S A V V V5 Si SYfiS S S A n VS SS V Vi S Sw S ai V1 SS SS S S S V 1 V S S SS S S SS et S S 1 V I V 5 V V S S S V 2 V SV S S Sv ii S V V YS V V V V V V V VVV V VVVVV S V S S VV VV V Vgi S S V t V S SVS I VS SV V V VV SY KVLZV V V V 4 S SS Si VVV VV I VSS SSS VVVVV SSSS S S S S eV Si v V S Si VV S S S V S S S V SV S r g j S SSSVS S Fig lO Removing Cover Assembly I S f S 2 and from cover assembly with compressed air Fig i2 Removing Vone Assemblies 2 Wipe grease and or dirt from the housing and rotor assembly and from the cover assembly with a cloth saturated with petroleum base cleaning sciveat then 3 Check inside nf the housing for vane and Or rntnr clean any remaining film from assemblies with a W 9 F EXCGSSIVQ W 3F 1 d1C3t9S the hnusine and cloth saturated with denatured alcohol rntnr 9 SS mb1Y must be I P19 d 4 Inspect the rear cover as follows VVV Inspect the rear bearing inner race for grooves V Or Scratches These blemishes indicate rear V VVV Vst bearin failure and the bearin and cover assem S y ai2 l l V SS bly must be replaced es r S SS S VV V V V V V VV LS S S Inspect the vane pivot pin This pin has been pre S cision ground Grooves scratches or discolora tion indicate vane bearing failure If bearings have S Z i g V V VVV at I T gg A S failed a new vane assembly and cover assembly Q Q V VVVVVVVV I V W it are required w L 1 V S y Vlig V V W 5 Clean rear rotor ring and bearing assembly in petro VIVV S S leum solvent then dry with compressed air Check VIVV I the rear bearing for fanure Rear bearing ranure is S VV V aiec indicated by the absence of grease inthe bear S V V g ing caked grease discoloration of bearing cage VVSS VVS Q V V it or rollers fallin out of ca e Extensive failure of S w E VlS SSV S VV VV s fil S Z E g g EQQ V fVS V S V S SS this bearing may necessitate replacing rotor and hhh 4 hi hOl 1S1I1g assembly I A VVS VVVSSV VI V V V V Ll yy SS 6 Clean vane assemblies in petroleum solvent then SSVS Q V V dry with compressed air Check the vanes and vane S a bearings for wear or damage Vane bearing failure S S Y SV i is also indicated by an absence ot grease or caked S V V S grease Inspect the pivot pin again to confirm this SV bearing failure All corners of the vanes should be SV V V V square Broken edges require the vanes be replaced S V V 7 Check the carbon shoes for excessive wear or chip ping Inspect the surface contacting the vane The Fig li Removing Rear Rotor Ring shoes will have small grooves from action of the CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL SUPPLEMENT