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Parts and Illustration Catalog 17A May 1991 |

1982 TRIM COMBINATIONS COLORS Indicated Basic Vinyl or Leather Finish is Antique BASIC INTERIOR BASIC INT BIG 4 PARTS 26 Dk Blue 47 Med Jadestone Dk Jadestone 77 Dk Redwood G4 Med Doeskin Dk Doeskin 63 Lt Sandstone Lt Sandstone Dk Doeskin 13 Lt Slate Gray Lt Slate Gray Charcoal SEAT OPTION CODE LEGEND A52 Regular Bench AS7 45 45 A65 Notch Back Bench TRIM LEVEL SEATS SEAT OR DOOR DOORS D Deluxe 1 lst Design C Cloth M Custom 2 Rnd Design V Vinyl S Standard 3 3rd Design 4 4th Design 5 Bth Design A Modified COMBINATION NUMBER CODING The First Two Numbers indicate the Basic Color i e 19 Black The Third Number or Letter indicates the Type and Design Level as follows Cloth Vinyl B C D E G H J 8 All Vinyl N R V W Y Z 19B2 TRIM COMBINATIONS Seat Lt Med Lt Dk Seat Option Trim Level Slate Dk Jade Sand Med Red Material Styles Code Seatsiggor Gray Blue stone stone Deeskin wood Texture 1Aw19 27 A52 AS7 Sl 1V 26B 648 77B MILLPORT CL 1Awi9 27 A52 AST S1 1V 26N 64N 77N DERMA CF 1Awl9 27 A65 M2 1C 260 640 770 POMPEY LORI CL lAWl9 27 A65 M2 1V 13R 26R 47H 64R 77R HARTFERD OF 1Aw19 27 AS7 D3 2C 13D 47D 63D 77D EMPRESS CL 1991 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERAT ONS CHEVROLET 17A T 591 141 14000