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Illustration Catalog 31A July 1987 |

GM13 2 A f J if n HI 9 l K K J I l 9 Q 1 I V i Q 5 II Q i gl q W Q 1 9 0 I R 2 M E I I Q II IIl R F B S 1 3 2 2 V 1 GM1 3 2 A 1976 81 BODY WIRING HARNESS TYPICAL WAGON 1 HARNESS Rr Buy 2 694 2 HARNESS Cross Car 1 13 090 3 HARNESS Frt Buy 13 090 4 HARNESS Jamb Sw A 1 3 090 5 HARNESS Pwr Sts 13 090 6 HARNESS Frt Dr Pwr Wdo 13 090 7 HARNESS Frt Dr Elec L ks 2 10 485 A 8 HARNESS Rr Dr Pwr Wdo 13 090 9 HARNESS Rr Dr Elec Lks 2 10 485 10 HARNESS Rr Spkr 9 656 The above illustrations are representative of the body wiring harnesses For specific model application usage and part number identification refer to the individual parts catalog groups FBS 1322 NOTE 1 NOTE 1 Depending upon the various combinations of electrical options this harness is often identified by a description other than cross car harness Flefer to Group 13 090 NOTE 2 Refer to group 13 090 for additional usage 1987 GENERAL MOTORs SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS OLDSMOB LE 31A 13 000 GROUP 13 2 7 87