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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 10 May 1981
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GM11 TARGET MASTER 350 MODEL YEAR ENGINE IDENTIFICATION The following information will assist you in determining specific replacement partslsl for any Targetmaster 350 CID engine Engine identification is stamped on top front of the right hand bank of cylinder and case optional on starter boss Flint engines only by manufacturing plant as follows 1 Flint Chevrolet V 8 Engine Plant Engine Identification Model Flint Month Er Number jear V 5289 1977 l EXAMPLE Flint May 4th 2400 1978 I V 5 4 9800 9800 2 GM De Mexico Engine Identification Model Mexico Alpha Day Number Year M V A L 289 1977 LJan Dec V T7 800 1 979 l EXAMPLE Mexico Mar 29 l l M C 29 400 Note Once the model year has been established proceed directly to your appropriate carline catalog for any component requirement for that year 350 CID engine WAREHOUS NG AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS c0RPORATl0N cHEvROLET 10 20