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Parts and Illustration Catalog 22H May 1993 |

I BODY GROUP 10 000 PONTIAC PONTIAC 0 DOORS REGULATOR W NDSl llELD Al PHABETICAL INDEX A BUTTON Sunshade Vanity Mirror 10 195 ACTUATOR Door Electric and Vacuum Locks 10 485 APPLIOUE Door Lock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 4 APPLIOUE Front Door Window Reveal 10 707 APPLIOUE Rear Door Window Reveal 10 772 ARMATURE Windshield Wiper Motor r 10 150 CAP Door Outside Lock Cylinder 10 552 ARM Windshield Wiper Blade 10 147 CAP Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 ARM Windshield Wiper Motor Drive 10 151 CAP Windshield Washer 10 154 ASHTRAY Floor Console Compartment 10 1242 CASE Instrument Panel Compartment Door O 2 l ock 1 66 CHANNEL Front or Rear Door Winclow 10 685 CHANNEL Front Door Window Glass Run 10 701 B CHANNEL Rear Door Window Glass Run 10 759 CHANNEL Rear Door Vent Glass 10 826 CHANNEL Rear Door Stationary Vent 10 829 BAR Instrument Panel 10 230 CLIP Door Inside Locking Rod 10 555 BEZEL Door Lock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 CLIP Door Lock Inside 10 512 BEZEL Floor Console 10 240 CLIP Door l ock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 BEZEL Overhead Console 10 225 CLIP Door Outside Handle 10 527 BEZEL Rear View Mirror 10 186 CLIP Door Outside Lock 10 550 BLADE Windshield Wiper 10 146 CLIP Door Window Reveal Molding 10 708 BLOCK Door Window Regulator 10 792 CLIP Floor Console 10 240 BLOCK Front Door Window Regulator 10 783 CLIP Front or Rear Door Window 10 685 BOARD Sunshade Vanity Mirror 10 195 CLIP Instrument Panel Trim 10 252 BOLT Door Lock 10 474 CLIP Sunshade Vanity Mirror 10 195 BOLT Door Lock Remote Control 10 500 CLIP Windshield Garnish Molding 10 056 BOLT Door Lock Inside 10 512 CLIP Windshield Reveal Molding 10 093 BOLT Door Lock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 COMPARTMENT Overhead Console 10 225 BOLT Door Lock Striker to Pillar 10 570 COMPARTMENT Floor Console 10 240 BOLT Door Window 10 716 COMPARTMENT Instrument Panel 10 260 BOLT Door Window Channel 10 747 CONNECTOR Door Electric and Vacuum Locks 10 485 BOLT Floor Console 10 240 CONNECTOR Door Window 10 777 BOLT Front Door Window Glass Run CONNECTOR Front Door Window Regulator 10 783 Channel Lwr Frt 10 703 CONNECTOR Inside Outside Rear View 10 185 BOLT Inside Outside Rear View 10 185 CONNECTOR Instrument Panel Compartment BOLT Instrument Panel 10 230 Lamp 10 275 BOLT Instrument Panel 10 235 CONNECTOR Sunshade Vanity Mirror 10 195 BOLT Instrument Panel Compartment 10 261 CONNECTCIR Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 BOLT Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 262 CONNECTOR Windshield Washer Pump 10 153 BOLT Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 268 CONNECTOR Windshield Washer 10 154 BOLT Rear Door Stationary Vent 10 829 CONNECTCIR Windshield Wiper Control 10 163 BOLT Rear View Mirror 10 186 CONSOLE Floor Console 10 240 BOLT Sunshade 10 219 CON TACTO R Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 BOLT Windshield Reveal Molding 10 093 CONTAINER KIT Windshield Washer 10 154 BOLT Windshield Washer 10 156 CONTAINER Windshield Washer 10 154 BOLT Windshield Wiper 10 159 COVER Door Electric and Vacuum I ocks 10 485 BRACE Instrument Panel 10 230 COVER Door Inside Locking Rod 10 559 BRACKET Door Electric and Vacuum Locks 10 485 COVER Door Window 10 777 BRACKET Door Lock Remote Control 10 500 COVER Floor Console 10 240 BRACKET Door Lock Key ess Entry 10 526 COVER Floor Console Compartment 10 242 BRACKET Floor Console 10 240 COVER Instrument Panel Opening 10 256 BRACKET Instrument Panel 10 230 COVER Rear View Mirror 10 186 BRACKET Instrument Panel 10 235 COVER Windshield Wiper Motor 10 150 BRACKET Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 268 CUP Door l ocI Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 BRACKET Windshield Washer 10 154 CYLINDER Instrument Panel Compartment Door BUMPER Door Lock Inside Handle Bearing 10 515 Lock 10 266 BUMPER Door Outside Handle 10 529 CYLINDER lT Door Outside Lock 10 550 BUMPER Door Body Pillar 10 587 BUMPER Door Window 10 716 BUMPER Floor Console Compartment 10 242 BUMPER Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 263 BUTTON Instrument Panel Compartment Door 10 268 1993 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPEFlATl0NS PONTlAC 22H 1 10 1A INDEX