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Parts and Illustration Catalog 22H May 1993 |

FMPONT A I3 C N I I A C 1987 93 H PARTS AND ILLUSTRATION CATALOG Exclusive Canadian and or overseas export parts are published in this catalog in order to facilitate vehicles sold in Canada or overseas that may require service in the United States Your feedback and suggestions are requested to assist us in publishing the most complete and comprehensive catalogs possible Please address any correspondence concerning this publication to the attention of the Engineering Department and include your address and dealer code to ensure a timely reply To ensure accurate and timely response to written correspondence involving catalog Illustrations please include the art number displayed in the upper right corner of each illustration Unlike page numbers this number remains constant from publication to publication and provides positive identification tees GENERAL morons ooapoaartoa att atoars RESERVED ao Paar or rats euettcartoa mav BE aeeaoouoeo sroneo ta aav RETRIEVAL SYSTEM oa raaasmtrrEo ta aav roam on ev aav MEANS tactuotao aur aor ttmtreo ro ELECTRONIC mecaaatcat eaoroooevtaa necoaotao oa oraeawtse wtraour raE eatoa watrrsa eeamtsstoa or GENERAL morons cone rats tactuoes att rExr tttusraartoas TABLES aao oaaars rats euettcartoa ts a paooucr or raE ENGINEERING oeeaarmear aao att para HEREIN was DERIVED Eaom ras taresr ENGINtcRING taeoamartoa REQUESTS FOR PERMISSION SHOULD BE SENT TO General Motors Service Parts Operations 6060 West Bristol Road Flint Mi 48554 Engineering Department 3640 MAY 1993 eoartao zza PRINTED ta u s a rosa oemeaat moroas SERVICE eaars or Enarrows eomrrac zza 5 93 1