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Parts and Illustration Catalog 22W June 1990
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PO NTlA I CHASSIS GROUP 3 OOO I PONTIAC PONTIAC FLIEL EXHAUST CARBURETION ALPHABETICAL INDEX A EIFIACKET Early Fuel Evaporation r 3 145 ElFlACKE l Early Fuel Evaporation Control 3 140 BIFIACKET Emission Control Sensor Manif Diff ACTUATOR Cruise Control 3 887 Press 3 682C ACTUATOR Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 EIFIACKET Emission Control Sensor M A P 3 682B ADAPTER Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 BRACKET Emission Control Sensor Oxygen 3 682A ADAPTER Emission Control System 3 671 BFIACKET Emission Control System 3 671 ADAPTER Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 BFIACKET Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 ADAPTER Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 BFIACKET Engine Fuel 3 890 ADJUSTMENT KIT Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 BRACKET Exhaust Gas Recirculation Valve 3 672 AIR Air Intake 3 402 BFlACKE I Exhaust Mounting 3 706 AIR Carburetor Air Valve 3 757 BRACKET Fuel or Air Meter 3 314 AIR Carburetor Air 3 730 BRACKET Fuel Injector Pump 3 306 AIR CLEANER Air Intake 3 402 BFIACKEI Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 BRACKET Fuel Pipe 3 162 BRACKET Fuel Injection Distributor 3 340 BRACKET Fuel Injection 3 330 B BFIACKEI Fuel Pump 3 935 BFIACKET Fuel Pump 3 900 BFIEATHER Air Cleaner Intake 3 410 BACKPLATE Instrument Panel Fuel Gage 3 108 BUMPER Exhaust Mounting 3 706 BAFFLE Emission Control System 3 671 BUMPER Fuel Tank Mounting 3 022 BAFFLE Fuel Tank Filler Neck 3 008 BUSHINGI Carburetor Throttle 3 762 BALL STUD Cruise Control 3 885 BLISHINGI Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 BEARING Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 665 BLISHINGI Catalytic Converter 3 690 BEARING Fuel Pump 3 935 BLISHINGI Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 BODY KIT Carburetor 3 729 BOLT Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 BOLT Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 BOLT Carburetor Idle 3 440 C BOLT Catalytic Converter 3 690 BOLT Emission Control System 3 671 BOLT Emission Control Sensor M A P A 3 6828 CABl E Accelerator Control 3 430 BOLT Emission Control 3 680 CABL E Cruise Control 3 880 BOLT Engine Exhaust Manifold 3 601 CALIBRATION Emission Control System ECM BOLT Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 Components 3 670A BOLT Exhaust Pipe 3 613 CALIIBRATOR Emission Control System ECM BOLT Exhaust Manifold End Bolt 3 604 Components 3 670A BOLT Exhaust Muffler 3 704 CALIBRATOR Emission Control System 3 670 BOLT Fuel Injection 3 330 CALPAK Emission Control System ECM BOLT Fuel Meter Control 3 318 Components 3 670A BOLT Fuel Pump Mounting 3 901 CAM Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 BOLT Fuel Tank Evaporator Control Engine CAM Fuel Tank Meter 3 107 End 3 130 CANISTER Fuel Tank Evaporator Control Engine BOLT Fuel Tank Gage 3 110 End 3 130 BOLT Intake Exhaust Manifold 3 275 CAP Cruise Control 3 885 BOOT Cruise Control 3 885 CAP Electronic Fuel Injection 3 320 BRACE Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 CAP Fuel Tank Filler 3 028 BRACE Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 CAP Intake Manifold Vacuum 3 278 BRACE Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 CAREIURETOR Throttle Body Injection 3 725 BRACKET ROD KIT Cruise Control 3 885 CASE Air Cleaner Intake 3 410 BRACKET Accelerator Pedal Lever 3 454 CHAIN Cruise Control 3 885 BRACKET Accelerator Pedal 3 431 CLAMP Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 403 BRACKET Air Cleaner Air Intake 3 417 CLAMP Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 407 BRACKET Air Injection Reactor Pump 3 655 CLAMP Carburetor Idle 3 440 BRACKET Air Injection Reactor G Body 3 675G CLAMP Catalytic Converter 3 690 BRACKET Air Injection Reactor B Body 3 6758 CLAMP Emission Control 3 680 BRACKET Anti Diese Control System 3 445 CLAMP Engine Fuel 3 890 BRACKET Carburetor Idle 3 440 CLAMP Engine Vacuum Pump 3 280 BRACKET Catalytic Converter 3 690 CLAMP Exhaust Pipe 3 616 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 887 CLAMP Exhaust System Attaching 3 708 BRACKET Cruise Control Vacuum 3 886 CLAMP Fuel Injection 3 330 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 885 CLAMP Fuel Pipe 3 162 BRACKET Cruise Control 3 880 CLAMP Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 T 1990 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPEERATlONS PONTlAC 22W 3 1A INDEX