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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1981 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX U U BOLT Exhaust Pipe Support 3 616 U BOLT Muffler Exhaust Pipe and Tail Pipe 3 708 V VALVE Air Cleaner Intake Valve Vacuum 3 415 VALVE Air Injection Reactor Check 3 670 VALVE ASM Carburetor Power 3 858 VALVE ASSY Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 440 VALVE ASSY Speed and Cruise Control Power 3 885 VALVE Carburetor Choke 3 751 VALVE Carburetor Idle Air Compensator 3 820 VALVE Carburetor Idle Vapor Vent 3 852 VALVE Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 440 VALVE Early Fuel Evaporation Vacuum Check 3 670 VALVE Exhaust Gas Recirculation 3 670 VALVE Exhaust Manifold 3 647 VALVE Fuel Injection 3 302 VALVE Fuel Mixture Control 3 670 VENTURI Carburetor 3 786 W WASHER Automatic Choke Control 3 750 WASHER Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke 3 752 WASHER Carburetor Fast Idle 3 768 WASHER Carburetor Pump 3 842 WASHER Carburetor Throttle Valve and Throttle Lever Adjusting 3 761 WASHER Carburetor Throttle 3 762 WASHER Exhaust Pipe 3 613 WASHER Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 WASHER Fuel Tank Strap 3 023 WASHER Intake Manifold to Carburetor 3 288 WASHER Throttle Control Rod 3 425 WIRE ASSY Fuel Tank Extension 3 115 WIRE ASSY Fuel Tank Gauge 3 107 t GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N CHEVROLET 11 3 5 A INDEX