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Parts Illustration Catalog 40A May 1980
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FOLDING TOP FRAME 196s w7z 30 4000 CONV I SPRING Front Roof Rail Lock Handle 36 BOLT Rear Bow Control Link to Male Hinge I4 l55 Return Comp of Item 2 l4 08O 37 WASHER Rear Bow Control Link to I 2 LOCK 8 HANDLE Front Roof Rail Male Hinge N L Incl Items I 3 I4 080 38 BUSHING Rear Bow Control Linl to 3 HOOK Front Roof Rail Lock Handle Male Hinge l4 I60 Comp of Item 2 L l4 080 39 BOLT Rear Bow to Rear Rail I4 l55 4 BOLT Front Roof Rail Handle Lock l4 080 40 WASHER Rear Bow to RearlRail N L 5 STRIKER Lock l4 080 4l BUSHING Rear Bow to Rear Rail I4 I60 6 RAIL Front Roof l4 05 O 42 NUT Rear Bow to Rear Rail l4 l57 7 LACE Front Roof Rail Rear l4 65F0 43 RAIL Side Roof Rear I4 l70 8 SPACER Front Roof Rail Center l4 09 0 44 BOLT Rear Rail to Male Hinge I4 l55 9 WEATHERSTRIP Front Roof Rail l4 06O 45 WASHER Rear Rail to Male Hinge I4 I62 IO FASTENER Front Roof Rail x Weatherstrip l4 06O 46 BUSHING Rear Rail to Male Hinge I4 l60 II SCREW Roof Rail Weatherstrip to Rail N L 47 NUT Rear Rail to Male Hinge l4 I57 I2 BOW Front l4 l3O 48 HINGE Male I4 3IO I I3 SPACER Front Bow l4 l30 49 BOLT Male Hinge to Mounting Support I4 l55 I4 SCREW Front Bow to Rail I4 l55 50 WEATHERSTRIP Side Roof Rail Front l4 l20 I5 SCREW Side Roof Front Rail Hinge Set I4 l55 5I WEATHERSTRIP Side Roof Rail Center l4 l9O I6 RETAINER Front Bow Material I4 I3O 52 WEATHERSTRIP Side Roof Rail Rear I4 260 I7 SCREW rFront Bow Material Retainer N L 53 MOTOR 8 PUMP Hydraulic See Motor and Pump Illustration for Components I4 48l l8 CABLE Material Hold Down l4 I 2 54 HOSE Pump to Bottom of Lift I4 472 I9 SCREW Material Hold Down Cable N L 55 HOSE Pump to Top of Lift l4 472 20 BOW Center l4 2 5 56 LIFT Hydraulic I4 475 2l RAIL Side Roof Front and Center l4 IO0 57 BUSHING Hydraulic Lift to Male Hinge l4 l60 22 BOLT Control Link to Rear Rail 7 I4 l55 F V i 58 WASHER Hydraulic Lift to Rear Rail I4 I62 23 BUSHING Control Link to Rear Rail l4 l 5O 59 BUSHING Hydraulic Lift to Rear Rail l4 I6O 24 WASHER Control Link to Rear Rail I4 I62 60 CATCH Center Rail Chev Pont l4 3lO 25 NUT Control Link to Rear Rail N I 6l LIFT Counter Balance Chev Pant l4 475 26 BOLT Center Rail to Rear Rail I4 l55 62 SPACER Litt to Rear Rail Chev Pont l4 475 27 BUSHING Center Rail to Rear Rail I4 l6O 63 BOLT Lift to Male Hinge I4 l55 28 WASHER Center Rail to Rear Rail I4 I62 64 BOLT Lift to Male Hinge Shoulder I4 l55 29 NUT Center Rail to Rear Rail N L 65 BOLT Lift to Rear Rail I4 l55 30 BOLT Center Rail to Male Hinge I4 l55 66 NUT Lift to Rear Rail I4 l57 3l BUSHING Center Rail to Male Hinge l4 l60 67 TRIMSTICK Quarter Belt Rail Front l2 946 32 WASHER Center Rail to Male Hinge Spring I4 I62 68 TRIMSTICK Quarter Belt Rail Rear l2 946 33 WASHER Center Rail to Male Hinge Flat N L 69 NUT Front Rail Lock Handle N L 34 n NUT Center Rail to Male Hinge I4 I57 70 FILLER Trimstick to Panel N L 35 BOW Rear I4 340 7l SCREW Trimstick N L B I4 6 L GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION BUICK 4OA L i 14 7 1 4 000 GROUP