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Parts Illustration Catalog 40A May 1980 |

REAR DOOR HARDWARE ITYPICALI 1971 72 52 54 66 82 8439 T I973 75 I3 C HARDTOPS I GLASS Rear Door Window l0 74l 48 SWITCH ASM Rear Door Jamb ll 950 2 CHANNEL ASM Rr Dr Wdw Front Sash I0 747 49 SWITCH 8 ESCN ASM Rear Door Window 3 SEALING STRIP ASM Rear Door Window I Button Except Cadillac IO 777 Outer at Belt IO 774 50 CLIP Rear Door Window Switch Retaining 4 SEALING STRIP ASM Rear Door Window Except Cadillac k IO 777 Inner at Belt IO774 5I KNOB Rear Door Inside Loc ing Rod I0 559 5 PLATE Rr Dr Outer Sealing Strip Guide IO 747 52 ROD ASM Rr Dr Inside Locking to Lock IO 563 6 HINGE ASM Rear Door Upper I0 4 56 53 WASHER Rr Dr Inside Locking to Lock Rod IO 556 7 PIN Rear Door Upper Hinge IO 466 54 SCREW Rear Dr Inside Locking to Lock Rod IO 556 8 BUSHING Door Hinge Oil Less Type I0 464 55 WASHER Rr Dr Inside Locking to Lock Rod IO 556 9 SCREW Rear Door Upper Hinge to Body I0 4 63 56 CLIP Rear Door Inside Locking Rod to V l0 SCREW Rear Door Upper Hinge to Door IO 463 Inner Panel lO 565 II CAP Rear Door Window Front Up Stop I0 763 57 CLIP Door Lock Remote Control Handle I0 5I2 I2 STOP ASM Rear Door Window Front Up IO 768 58 BUMPER Door Lock Remote Control Handle I0 5l2 I3 SCREW Stop to Inner Panel Reinforcement IO 768 CA lE D LERASMISL Rr ID kLo k Remote Cotptrol IO 5l2 I4 NUT Rear Door Window Frt Stud to Glass IO 768 ear or c emote ontro I5 BUSHING Rr Dr Wdw Frt Stud to Gloss IO 768 Handle to Panel IO 506 I6 WASHER Rr Dr Wdw Frt Stud to Glass IO 768 6 PGD Egar Door Lock Remote ignltrol lO 5l5 I7 WASHER Rr Dr Wdw Frt Stud to Glass IO 768 6 R D M Rear Door Inside c ing to l8 STUD Rear Door Window Front On Gl ss Actuator IO 563 Used as Stop IO 768 63 ROD ASM Rr Dr Lk Remote Control to Lk IO 506 I9 FASTENER Rr Dr Window Glass Bearing I0 745 64 ACTUATOR ASM Rear Door Electric Lock I0 485 20 SCREW Rear Door Window Lower Guide 65 BUMPER Rear Door Lock Pillar Door Side I0 587 Plate to Glass IO 747 66 LOCK ASM Rear Door I0 473 2I BUSHING Rear Door Window Lower Sash 67 PRl NG Rear Door l o gk Over Center IO 474 G d Plate to Glass IO 747 68 LI Rear Door Loc pring 0 474 22 WASJPIER Rear Door Window Lower Sash 69 SPRING Rear Door Lock Fork Return I0 474 Guide Plate to Glass IO 747 70 SCREW Rear Door Lock to Panel I0 474 23 NUT Rear Door Window Lower Sash Guide 7I STRIKER ASM Rear Door I ock IO 569 Plate to Glass IO 747 72 WASHER Rear Door Lock Striker to Panel l0 57Ii 24 NUT Rear Door Window Rear Stud to 73 PLATE Rear Door Lock Striker Anchor I0 57I Glass C39 49 Only IO 768 A 74 HINGE ASM Rear Door Lower I0 460 25 BUSHING Rear Door Window Rear Stud 75 PIN Rear Door Lower Hinge IO 466 to Glass C39 49 Only IO 768 76 SPRING Rear Door Lower Hinge I0 460 26 WASHER Rear Door Window Rear Stud to 77 BOLT Rear Door Lower Hinge to Door I0 463 Glass C39 49 Only IO 768 78 SCREW Rear Door Lower Hinge to Body I0 460 27 WASHER Rear Door Window Rear Stud to 79 REGULATOR ASM Rear Door Window I0 79l Glass C39 49 Only IO 768 80 MOTOR ASM Rear Door Window Electric I0 79l 28 STUD Rear Door Window Rear on Glass 8l SCLREWI Rear Door Window Regulator to I 91 Used as Stop C39 49 Only IO 768 ane 0 7 29 RETAINER ASM Rr Dr Belt Trim Support l4 6 83 82 HANDLE ASM Rr Dr Window Regulator IO 797 30 SUPPORT Rear Door Window Guide Cam 83 PLATE Rr Dr Wdw Regulator Bearing IO 5I5 B C 39 49 Only IO 765 84 SPRING Inside Handle Retaining IO 5l3 3I SCREW Rear Door Window Guide Cam 85 SEALING STRIP Rear Door Bottom Drain B C 39 49 Only l0 7 92 Hole I0 694 32 PIATE ASM Rear Door Window Lower 86 PI TE ESM gee Soar l l igdaw Lower 4 Sash Guide B C 39 49 10 747 s vide 6 23 3 n y 0 7 7 32 NLJT Glags Asm to Lower Sash Plate Asm IO 685 87 lggg gge villndew Guide lUl e IO 767 3 H NDLE SM Rear Door Outside n y Chevrolet 8 Pontiac Only 10 527 88 WASHER Rear Door Window Guide Tube 35 CLIP Door Outs d H dl S C69 D23 33 Only l0 728 Chevrolet Poniiacmibniy pill 10 529 89 GUIDE ASM Re r Deer Window Lewer 36 SPRING Door Outside Handle Chevrolet Sash Upper C69 D23 33 Only IO 747 Pontiac Only 10 529 90 NUT Re r Deer Windew l ewer Scsb Upper 37 ROD Rear Door Outside Handle to Lock 91 GSp eAt MPl ae C6gQD2 i 33dOO lIy IO 685 Chevrolet Pontiac Only IO 563 ear or in w ower V 38 ESCUTCHEON Rear Door Outside Handle 92 Sgs cv l c wer 9 D 2 3 33 Olzly S hI IO 747 Ch I t P t O I IO 537 ear or in ow wer as 39 NUT R aT Door IOl rcl idenH andle to Panel I Lower Guide to Plate C69 D23 33 Only IO 685 Chevrolet Pontiac Only l0 527 93 TUBE ASIS Rear Door Window Guide 40 HANDLE Do O t d L Butte C69 D2 33 On y IO 767 Oldsmobile Buic sCailiIlE1s Only IO 527 94 gicir Door Lock Remote Control I 512 4I RING Rear Door Handle Push Button y O 4 Sealing Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac Only lO 529 95 Cg l3Tlg LOASM Rear Door Lock Remote IO 500 2 BUTTON AND SHAFT ASM Rear Door n y Handle Push Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac 10 529 96 SCSRZES V 3R rgr D r Remote Central to P nel 10 506 4 3 GASKET Rear Door Outside Handle to n y Panel Front Olds Buick Cadillac Only 10 537 97 STOP ASM Rear Door Window Rear IO 768 44 Reqr Door Outside Handle to Pqnel 98 SEALING STRIP Rear DOOl Bottom AUXlll I y IO 694 Oldsmobile Buick Cadillac Onl 10 527 99 NUT J rn Re r Deer Sesln Pl te Roller 45 GASKET Rear Door Outside Handle to Panel 5 8 11 8 9I6 46 CArg A3k m b eD5 C N dd ojnty 0 537 100 BUSHING Rear Door Sash Plate Roller 10 747 ear oor inow uie B CQ9 49 Only I0 792 B10 76 47 BUMPER Rear Door Window Stop l0 7l6 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS c0Rp0pA r 0N Bu cK 40A I 10 63 e 10 000 GROUP