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<- Bearing Chart Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 30 March 1954 Parts History ->
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TRIM COMBINATION CHART NOTE It trim is not listed under group in which it is used refer to yardage material group 15 500 Comb 1941 Comb 1950 No Material Models N0 Material Models 115 Tan Pile Fabric 1200 exc 1227B 27P 71 170 Grey Striped Cloth 1200 exc Sdl 116 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1000 171 Grey Striped Broadcloth 1000 exc Conv B A 117 Tan Striped Cloth 1000 172 Imitation Leather 1269 Taxi Cab 118 Tan Pile Fabric 1227B 27P 175 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv 119 Tan Pile Fabric 1227B 27P 176 Green Leather Grey Pile 120 Tan Leather Conv Cord Conv 121 Green Leather Conv 177 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Conv 122 Blue Leather Conv 179 Black Leather Grey Pile 123 Red Leather Conv Cord Conv 124 Blue Grey Imitation Leather Sdl 185 Red Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air 126 Tan and Brown Striped Cloth 1069 186 Green Leather Grey Pile 127 Blue Cloth 1011 19 27 Cord Bel Air 128 Green Cloth 1011 19 2 1 187 Blue Leather Grey Pile Cord Bel Air 189 Black Leather Grey Pile U 1942 46 195 ReF1 c11gather Tan Bedford Bel Au 129 Greyish Tan Pile Fabric 1200 exc Sdl Cord C0 V 130 Grey srrrped purr Fabric 1011 19 27 2 1B 196 Green L th r T Bediord 131 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 1011 19 27 2 1B Cmd C V 132 1 ah Striped Fabric 1007 59 197 Blue Leather Tan Bedford 133 Tan Leather Conv Cord C0 V 134 Grey Leather Cehv 199 Black Leather Tan Bedford 135 Blue Leather Conv Cord V COIN 135 Red Leather Cahv 163 Brown Imrtation Leather Sdl 137 B1ae Grey Imjfqfiou Leather 3d1 166 Brown Imitation Leather Sta Wag 141 Grey Striped Pile Fabric 1007 1951 9 6 200 Grey Striped Cloth 1200 exc sai 142 Grey Striped Fabric Grey Striped B O0dC10ll1 EXC Conv B A S10 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 205 Red Leather COnv g 206 Green Leather Conv 1947 207 Blue Leather Conv 129 ereyrrrir Trrrr Pile rr rirrrc 1200 exc 11 2 Qr r1 e1 fr 1QfGr y me Cord f rir 130 Grey Slflp d Pile F 1bI 1C 1 19 27 27B Green L th I Grey 131 Tan Novelty Bedford Cord 1011 19 27 2 1B Pile Cord Bel Ah 132 TG11 Striped FG 1 1 1C 1007 69 Blue L th l G1 y 137 Blue Grey Imitation Leather Sdl Pile Cord Bel Air 143 Tun I l11 I Conv 189 Block Le th r GI y 144 Blue Leather Conv Pile Cord Bel Air 145 Red 1 111 1 C 11v 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl l li g5 3 202 Tan Imitation Leather Stal Wag 148 Red Leather Com 172 Grey Imitation Leather Taxi Cab 149 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 1952 1948 rg grr ggmrrr rrrr L th r ee ii zzz r1 i 88 1 1 rr 45 Red Leather L h gouvw Dark Grey Broadcloth Sta Wag 49 Tan Imitation eat er ta ag 150 Gray srrrped Pile Fabric 1211 19 27 27B 212 1rg 11 I1Q j f 1 11 105 W C 1 B A 151 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1011 19 27 152 11111 N 1 11Y B 11 1 1 C 1 1 1O 1i319 27 1211 19 27 213 Light Green Chevron Cloth 1000 exc Conv B A 153 1111111 S111p 1 F b11 100769 224 Tan and Brown Leather Co 1 Wag 155 Green Leather Conv 225 Red Leather Conv 226 Light and Dark Green Leather Conv 1g4g 227 Light and Dark Blue Leather Conv 229 Bl ck Le th r Con 156 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1200 exc Sdl 234 Tach Leathe Brown Cloth Bel Air 157 Tan Striped Pile Fabric 1007 8 11 27 69 235 Red Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 158 Tan Striped Cloth 1007 8 11 27 69 236 Green Leather Green Cloth Bel Air 160 Red Leather Conv 237 Blue Leather Blue Cloth Bel Air 161 Blue Leather Conv 239 Black Leather Grey Cloth Bel Air 162 Green Leather Conv 240 White Leather Coral Cloth Bel Air 163 Brown Imitation Leather Sdl 216 Dark Grey Imitation Leather Sdl 166 Brown Imitation Leather Sta Wag 218 Tan Imitation Leather Sta Wag 167 Black Leather Conv 214 Grey Imitation Leather Taxi Cab 818