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I Cab Shell 1 16 000 i COJM M E RCIAL BODY PARTS SECTION I I Iloors Sax Cylinder Models 1929 1954 16 56 l KEY TO SYIVIBOLS Dow Hinge l The usage of parts listed in this section is designated eitlher by iob 16 320 numbers chassis symbols or model abbreviations shown below CAB BODIES Including Cab Over Engine C CAB CAB OVER ENGINE COE SINGLE UNIT BODIES Panels Canopy Express liens Suburban Clarryall mu sc1r umm 6 676 SUBURBAN CARRYALL BODY SUB SUBURBAN CARRYALL IBODY with End Gate SUB W END GATE l SUBURBAN CIARRYALL BIODY with Paznel Doors SUB W DOORS Trim i l DOUBLE UNI I BODIES With Cab and Separate Body DBL UNIT 16 100 PLAIN CHASSIS LESS WIINDSHIELD PFC or FLAT PACE COWL ALL ABOVE MODELS ALL m s c IBdMdlIdl rr ti Sh 11 N IP lorIobNmb afi C l1I S mnb ls Sucusbanlegairrtzlllgbdy lliurzsnfosthe Z rs 1939 EM dl e nz SQL unit Body being listed in tthe Master Parts Catalog along with comparable parts Body Parts parts which are common to Suburban Carryall Panels and Canopy Express may 17 0120 ILZIB be found listed as Single Unit or under corresponding Commercial Body Types NOTE lf Body is not of Chevrolet manufacture and is not listed in the Special Models Book P A 24ZD End Gate place orders direct with the manufacturer whose name appears on the Body Name Plate sgi Unit Body 17 185 QUICK REFERENCE INDEX Driver s compartment parts Incl Cab 16 000 16 802 Single Unit Double Unit Dbl lunlt Bmw Load compartment parts as follows Bodies Bodies P t Plauorm und Sills 17 020 17 030 17 405 17 447 17 405 17 635 Top 1 7 060 Body Front End l7 455 l7 462 Body Sides 17 110 17 462 17 505 17 524 Body Rear End 17 560 E d G t End Gate 17 1825 17 222 17 61s 17 s as Curtains 17 27 0 17 278 Dbl g IP I ul 729