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ACCELERATOR CONTROL LINKAGE ADJUSTMENT 1 Position accelerator pedal l from floor mat Synchromesh or 11 a from floor mat automatic by placing a block of wood between pedal and floor mat Accelerator cable and pedal are shown in Figure 9 30 2 Adjust cross shaft assembly as described under Carburetor Synchronization in this section 3 Disconnect swivel 13 fig 9 29 from lever 10 4 Disconnect swivel 2 fig 9 29 from the left carburetor cross shaft lever E fig 9 8 5 Pull accelerator rod fig 9 29 to wide open throttle position carburetor throttle lever against the stop on automatic transmissions rotate lever assembly until internal stop is at full detent and hold in that position Grasp cross shaft assembly throttle valve link rod lower end and pull rearward toward rear of vehicle until carburetors are in wide open throttle position Adjust swivel 2 fig 9 29 to align hole in lever on cross shaft fig 9 8 Lengthen accelerator rod swivel 2 fig 9 29 five full turns